Im sure he would let someone try it for the price of ammo, its around $3.75 a pop right now... shoots good, we were nailing gongs at 900 yds with it pretty easy. The Dragunov is one of my old builds. It started life as a no import marks OLD psl, which I traded my Hesse RPK for (really dumb move, with RPKs going for $2000+ now). The PSL wasn't the new light barreled garbage they're trying to pass off now. Lucky for me, I happened to have an all original SVD in a wooden crate to go by for help with the stock design/ finish. With the Soviet night scope, we were doing great at 500 yds with it... with a better optic, and some better ammunition, Im sure we could break into the 1000 yd mark... I think I have my uncle convinced to bring his Bren out, that should be a lot of fun. Its all orig, except the selector has been made legally inoperative.
Ive done a couple of left handed off-the-bipod shots with my new LR308, it seems to be dead on, so I cant wait to get down there,( I almost like it better than my Armalite) I just need to load up 100 rounds or so of .308, and maybe pick up some .223, and Im good to go. Maybe the weekend after Mother's day? Depending on weather I guess.