you shoot till the threat stops. No more, no less.But is emptying 16 rnds into a perp justified ? I would think it would be trouble in court
Is this your pic? I saw the same pic on a Facebook page "Zombie Apocalypse survival guide"
Haha no, I think I got it from Rainier Arms. It's a funny pic!Is this your pic? I saw the same pic on a Facebook page "Zombie Apocalypse survival guide"
I guess I can agree to disagree on the "zipper" technique. My draw stroke and defensive shooting style doesn't lend well to shooting like that. I train to a higher lever of accuracy then just being content with body shots on the range. Given stress those body shots become misses. You only have to read a few FBI statistics to realize that even cops (read: trained individuals) miss 80% of the time. You or I are no different.
You are right though, however you chose to carry and protect your life, you need to practice. Muscle memory, is KEY to drawing out to save your life when the stress and time presents itself. I dry practice in my basement a couple times a week. Never stop training!
Yeah it's a better quality one, and it was on sale. So we'll see how it does.Good luck those 50 rnd drums are proublematic
Me again, maybe.. I have to pick up some pallets one of those days. Other than that I'm free all weekend. I think I'm on my sister-in-law's moose hunt so I'll need to snap some 30-06 caps. Need to be able to hit a barn at 200 yards at least.Field has been cut! Who's in for a 400 yard shoot? (In Litchfield) Looking at next weekend, weather permitting...
the 17 looks huge compared to the 19 lol75%!!!! Just picked up a G19!!!
The angle makes it deceiving too. 17 is pretty big.the 17 looks huge compared to the 19 lol