The unofficial GUN talk thread

I got 5 or 6 shots off one season.  All misses.  Most were short.  1 or 2 between legs, one arrow went right over.  But I have an excuse!
 If you saw the terrain you'd see why I had so much suck.

Just got back from beans, checked out a last years model pse brute x in skull works camo, I can't believe how light the new ones are. Hopefully it will still be there when I get my monies because it was a wicked good deal

Just testing the waters... Anyone here interested in a Auto-Ordnance Thompson?  50 rd drum, 30 rd stick, hard case, violin case, presentation grade walnut stocks, rear is removable, Cutts compensator, finned barrel, the whole 8 yards (it doesn't have the 100rd drum, that would be 9 yards)  Bolt is being repaired, it had the loose dovetail issue, which was very common on these. It will be pinned in place, vs just sliding into the dovetail.  I paid $1500 for it, put less than 200 rds thru it.   $1200 or a nice older Israeli Desert Eagle trade (no Kahr takeover models)

well that's not good.

go ta new pse surge in skullworks camo monday, all set up ready to shoot and a year of indoor range time and free tuneup and cleaning for a year

Long story slightly shortened:

Listed gun on FB

Guy contacts me, says he's got one all modified and wants another for just carry.

We agree on a date time and place, exchange numbers.

Guy starts texting. Next day, way more texts.  He's positive he wants it, has cash,

Next day guy wants to change meeting place. ok

Next day guy wants to change place and time. Ok we figure something out.

Friday, guy starts texting in the AM, gotta have the R1 that day, has cash.

I tell the guy I dont get out of work until 5 but we can meet at 7:30 as previously agreed.

I get out of work at 4:45, start driving home thinking I'm meeting this guy at 7:30.  Guy texts me about 4:50. Kind of weirded out now.

He asks if he can meet me in 5 minutes at T.J.'s in Standish...I'm still in AUburn.  I tell him no, not until 7:30, he wishes me good luck.

I get home, do a google on the guy and find an Assault charge on a guy with a similar name, so now I'm really weirded out.

I tell the guy I dont want to meet in Standish, I want to meet in Windham, and I ask him if he'll do a transfer and I will pay for it.

He says "Are you kidding me!?!?" " that's registering, and he wont do that." I say its not registering its simply checking the buyers.  He says he knows exactly what transfers are and he's not doing it. I tell him we are done, no deal.  Then I get a nasty text.


R1 1911 still for sale.  If I don't know you we're doing a transfer.  People are strange.

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Save your pennies.  It never gets used.  It will probably still be for sale for a long time.  I am going to use it for a single stack only match in June.  That will add another 100 rounds to the shot clock.

If anyone is interested I can add 300 rounds (fmj) for another $100.

That's why if you don't know alway go thur legal ways you never know and your protecting your self , you still have the .308 ?

Inski, if you have the R1 around after I get back from my next shipping job I may be interested. I am liking shooting my kimber but a full size 1911 would be nice. How would you say the quality is on these compared to other full size 1911s like Para's or SigSauer's(the only full size 1911's I have shot).

I've owned a Para.  Ran great. Crappy finish.  I can't comment on the Sigs other than they have the external extractor, some people dont like that.

Yeah, I know about the para finish... Was more curious as to how the R1 is compared to those... I'm guessing it functions awesome if you are using it for a competition.
