OK, Ive talked about our range a few times, but now its getting close (month or so) to the "Shellcase Showdown" A few of us are going to be doing a 300 yard shoot, down in my field, as soon as the snow leaves. Not really organized, but we will do caliber classes for fun. .223, .308, 7.62x54 for us Mosin morons, and a super competitive .22lr showdown. I have some 1" thick gongs from 6" to 14" and lots of spray paint. At the least get out that .22 tackdriver and come see what can be done with it! Were in Litchfield, right near the fairgrounds. I challenge almost anybody to outshoot my wife and her Bushmaster! Its a .22 conversion, but she is pretty good with it. Shouldn't have got her playing call of duty.. haha... and we do have 500 yards to try too, but my eyes don't play open sights at 500 anymore, so Id be using some cheater optics....