The unofficial GUN talk thread

me with the uzi (+mid air brass):

some video:

I thought it looked auto from the quoted pic

then the vid confirmed it.

I thought you weren't allowed to have automatic weapons? My dad has a friend who used to build some piece that was fused by default on the uzis that prevented automatmic usage. This same guy also had a crazy wolf as a pet (and protector) illegally.

Think Fallout 3 helper pet.

it is legal to own automatic weapons only if you posess a valid ffl (federal firearms license) which is what all (legit) gun dealers must have. I just think it's a waste of already expensive ammo to blow it away that fast

also if you dont have a Class III FFL, you still can get a full auto, just have to pay for the tax stamp and wait a while

it is legal to own automatic weapons only if you posess a valid ffl (federal firearms license) which is what all (legit) gun dealers must have. I just think it's a waste of already expensive ammo to blow it away that fast
Last time I fired an auto, it was an MP5. Single fire was fun. 3 rnd. burst fire was fun. Full auto went something like this, "*buaaaaaaaaaaahhhttclick* awwww....:("

Last time I fired an auto, it was an MP5. Single fire was fun. 3 rnd. burst fire was fun. Full auto went something like this, "*buaaaaaaaaaaahhhttclick* awwww....:("
but it was fun while it lasted right? (jealous)

So, I went to the gun shop. Been thinking about a couple 22s for the kids. Ruger 10/22s so they can transform them they way they like, and shoot relatively cheap.

I kept over hearing the gun guys saying stuff like "We've been Oboma-ized" and "Barak-locked."

What does this mean? And is it going to effect my purchase of a couple 22s that may or may not appear to look like assault/hunting/target rifles?

you should be good with 22s. dicks has them for 200. and my personal recommendation - ati fiberforce stock from Cabelas

Also sounds like the guys at the gun shop are still stuck in last falls "gun panic", i'm not saying to let the guard down regarding AWB, but things have been loosening up a bit in the gun markets.

7.62x39 under 200 per 1000 - yay

I kept over hearing the gun guys saying stuff like "We've been Oboma-ized" and "Barak-locked."What does this mean?
its probably more like supply and demand-locked. obama hasnt actually done anything. as lobstah said hes probably talking about everyone buying up everything they can get their hands on and making it hard for the regular joe to find what they want.

-----Added 10/26/2009 at 04:28:40-----

also if you dont have a Class III FFL, you still can get a full auto, just have to pay for the tax stamp and wait a while
that's what he did. put down a chunk of money on the gun, then $200 on the stamp tax and looked at his gun at the store for 6 mo. while approval came through on the paperwork.

Yea, you should be fine getting a 22 and ammo. It's mainly handgun ammo that people are still snatching like crazy.

tried getting a glock model 22 (full size 40s+w) last december, when everyone was going OMG OBAMA ISN'T GOING TO LET US BUY GUNS SPEND YOUR LIFE SAVINGS NOW, couldn't find a distributer my dealer did bussiness with that had one. but yes things are getting better now that everyone loosened up and realized obama isn't going to take away our second amendment right. damn anti-gun advocates

he can have mine, when I run out of ammo and he pries them from my cold dead fingers

ok is anyone able to find a bit of 9mm or .380ACP anywhere? I am headed to the range this weekend. and I am low on both.

online. C&R trading post in Freeport has some 9mm. G3 in Turner does too i think. .380 locally is a lot more of a PITA to find, Mostly online. that's why i sold my .380 and once i get some extra $$$, i'm getting an XD9.

-----Added 12/7/2009 at 02:07:00-----

It sort of...captures your attention...
LOL. I can only imagine what kinda commercial would be for my S12

Probably some manly looking country woman......Russian...rough....rugged......,ugly.... but damn she gets the job done...
