The unofficial GUN talk thread

They have tons of .380acp at Cabelas. I bought a couple hundred rounds last time I was in there.


damn you for bumping an old thread and me not looking at the dates!

Bumping an old thread, per the request of one of my favorite members!!:kittyWave:!
:kitty wave back: meow.

I'm gonna blouse thru this thread again, oogle at other's cool stuff. Later this week I'll post up some pics of my son's new plinker, my new plinker, and some action pics.

hrmmm. that is some firepower.

someday for me...

M1 Garand


Some sort of 1911. A new tactical-ish would be sick.

Mini-14 or Mini-30

double action revolver in 44mag. or 357

Lever actions that shoot pistol rounds interest me a lot. I dont know why.

I guess that will be fun enough, for awhile.

^ your wish list resembles mine... i saw in shooter bible a 357 lever action that holds almost 13 rounds. can you say close range varmint gun?

I didnt want to take a picture of my gun, But I found a picture on the web, Nothing crazy, was owned by a little old lady that shot competitive trip. Best thing about it it barely misses hitting clays and I can hit accurate with slugs around 200 yards. I enjoy it so much I dont even use my browning stalker + boss 300 win mag for deer hunting anymore. was over kill to begin with.........


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Some day I'm gonna reload. Got to get schooled from my brother first

Sexy shot gun Gate4jg. Got my first deer with a double barrel. Yours is gorgeous!

i used a hand loader for .270 took a while but i kinda got used to it. nosler ballistic tips and decent accuracy to 100 yds. i have a press somewhere i was trying to sell if anyone's interested i can find it

Are we talking loading as in popping out the primers, putting a new one it, adding some powder and forcing a bullet on? I don't even shoot and I can do that
. How hard are shotgun shells to load?

Are we talking loading as in popping out the primers, putting a new one it, adding some powder and forcing a bullet on? I don't even shoot and I can do that
. How hard are shotgun shells to load?

but you can't f' it up or boom.

I tried a new powder once and got squibs( bullet did not clear barrel) Blast another one or two and bam. no more gun and/or hand.

the same goes for going "hot" most bullet cases will fit more powder than they can handle. It is sorta like running nitrous. sure you can dump more in but you need to know your limits or it is all over.

I just made 50 rnds of .38 whilst listening to smodcast...

Removed scope from m1 .30 carbine. Added 30mm red dot for eyes open shooting. I was stove piping before due to brass hitting the scope and getting stuck. Hopefully this will eliminate that, quicken shots x100 due to less trying to find cross hairs in tiny scope, and just generally be more fun.


Thinking about a Hogue stock for the 10/22. Anyone have experience with those?

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you sir, need a forward mounted scope for that carbine.

Houge make very decent stocks. not the most light weight but sturdy.

i played with a 10/22 at stone gun shop that had one, felt nice, if a touch heavy. wanted one for mine before i sold it
