The unofficial GUN talk thread

^^^^^^^^^^^^ I traded an older S&W 9 mm for a S&W SD9. They gave me more than I expected.

My suspicion is that even 2nd hand firearms are in demand. I was in howell's one other time looking for some accessories, I didn't really spend much time at the gun counter, but I also didn't notice a huge stock of used guns when I walked by it.

Go, take your Glock, if you are serious about a Windham "AR", talk to them. You may be surprised, and you can always walk out if you don't like the deal. If you have great will power that is.

Ordered up some Trijicon night sights for my PPQ.

Got my glowy rear sight on. Can't do the front due to not having a hex key small enough. I'll meander out to Howells this weekend and have them do it.

That came out really well.

what parts did you have issues with?
The fore grip and the magazine tube came out good the first time. I ended up getting a second kit and doing everything else twice.

I found that putting the long piece of film for the barrel, in the water is a four hand operation.

It would have possibly been cheaper to send it out, but I am really trying to learn how to do it.

Looks great man!!!!!!

Can you get different patterns? Non-camo stuff? Like brick wall, paisley, star bursts, skulls, necked ladies, ect?

I've seen some pretty rad stuff on the paintball forums. WOnder if I can get my car parts done in paisley ??

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