The unofficial GUN talk thread

Well,were nice and close,or, not really close to Hollis Center at all. We are about centered between Lewiston,Augusta,and Topsham. Im thinking we can get around 20 people down there,set up some friendly competitions,maybe have a BBQ/few beers at the house after,its a 1 minute drive to the field... As long as others play the same,Im fine with people buying a box or 2 of ammo,and letting them try out my toys,the Desert eagle is the only one I dont shoot (or let others shoot) a whole lot,but its fun to bring it out every now & then to play. I can try to get a few local guys to bring out their fun toys as well. I should still have the .50 Noreen here at that time,it makes for some fun at 300 yards,pretty hard to miss. I have a few other tricks that come out every once in a while, Id need to know roughly how many people to expect,then we could set a day in stone.
sounds good your not too far, all I got is gsg 522 and my Taurus. sold my sks and glock wich I sorta regret, but the gsg is fun as hell to shoot
Yeah,we have one with a collapsable stock,and an Eotech....big fun! Its really close to firing a suppressed HK.. have you tried putting any super quiet colibris in it yet? Mine wont cycle,but the sound is awesome. Anyway,Ive ben thinking maybe a ridiculous 3 gun comp. I can build some zombie dummies,or something. I have 3 dump truck loads of scrap lumber,out behind the house, I can build lots of fun targets....maybe everybody goes in on some tannerite??? Anybody who wants to play,let us know on here,we can have a MS Gun meet!

we just have to pick a time and day,it should be within a month,the grass gets pretty tall quick down there,still have 100 yds,but 300 is hard to see over 2 feet of hay....

Tell me I didnt screw up a nice deal....long story, son & I shoot a High Power clinic in Augusta, he says "its ok" I say "HOLY F*** I love this stuff!" I find a guy selling a new Colt Hbar upper with 20" barrel and 1:7 twist with A2 sights(approx $650 value). Perfect for High Power (carbines suck at long distances- they proved it to me). He says he'll take my trade offer of my Spikes 16" upper (approx $300 value) and my 10/22 (approx $200 value). I say OK. I figure I'm coming out on top approx 100-150 bucks. Then I think about it, and think, and think. I decide to keep my upper (I love my 16" mid-length), and my 22, and cancel the trade completely.

Did I just f-it-up royally?

I guess High Power matches can wait until I can buy another upper out right.


Do Colt uppers fit other's lowers? Whats all this large pin small pin crap?

smelt: I'd love to come over and shoot but I'm booked with graduations and mothers day and birthdays thru mid-June. Maybe after that stuff.

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I think the upper to lower pin diameter is bigger on the Colts. I can call my uncle and find out for sure,but its the reason I always stayed away,I didnt want to have an interchangable rifle,that really wasnt. At least with my Bushys and Armalite. He will know for sure,he has a few LE Colts,plus 8 other ARs...

I'm meeting the guy tomorrow for a possible trade. I'll bring the lower and see if it all pins together and do a functions check.

I'm meeting the guy tomorrow for a possible trade. I'll bring the lower and see if it all pins together and do a functions check.
Id say that's the best thing to do. Ive heard from a few people that some think they have a "big pin" lower when they dont..etc..etc. I guess the difference isn't a lot,but enough that they wont work together.

Got a box in the mail today, snapped a crappy pic but you can probably tell what was in it.


The next package in the mail will be 1K rounds of XM193

Id say that's the best thing to do. Ive heard from a few people that some think they have a "big pin" lower when they dont..etc..etc. I guess the difference isn't a lot,but enough that they wont work together.
Yes, Just found out the situation. They have small pin uppers and large pin uppers The smalls fit everything. This guy had a small Pin HBAR, so I swapped with him even. I really like it. The barrel is pretty heavy, a lot more than I thought. Beefy.

Got a box in the mail today, snapped a crappy pic but you can probably tell what was in it.

The next package in the mail will be 1K rounds of XM193
xm193, is that the 62 grain? I've looked high and low for that stuff. Nice stuff Muddy! BCM is good quality.

Love my Gunfighter charging handle! Super clean and STRONG part.

Thought I would post up a picture of my new Birthday gifts I got. I got some new VZ grips Slim line carbon fiber grips for my 1911.. SOOOO smooth and thin. Makes the gun fit my hands so much better. I'm gonna get some new hex screws soon.


62 grain due to the steel core. It's NATO spec stuff. I keep a bunch of it on hand. Good stuff, but it has the tendency to eat steel targets.

Does one tend to shoot or perform better than the other? I've only shot the 55 grain really, which is also NATO spec I believe.

The twist in your barrel is the big difference in which grain bullet fires more accurately from your rifle. Mine is a 1/9,and loves the 62 grain. Im not sure if that's how its supposed to work,but it does. I was going to try a different twist in my new rifle,but went with the same. And yes the steel core is awesome stuff,but flying at 3000 fps,it will defeat most other steel that is holding still.

Last time your asking price was $25 less than a new one
Archery is pretty fun. Central Maine Archery does indoor tournaments. They moved to Washington St, I think.
I was in there thursday. Tried a new bow, forgot what brand, but it's a hell of a lot smoother than what I had

Damn swype on my droid screwed me up

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