the worst thing. that could have ever happened to me. happened


New member

i hit a deer, I95 south. by exit 60. going back to mass for another week of school

im completely distraught.

Awe man
. Best of luck dealing with insurance. Any word on repair-ability yet?

Silly deer, you are not car! You don't even have tires.

you are still alive to be posting about it..there are FAR worse things that can happen with deer or moose impacts. windshields do NOT stop hooves very well and people have been killed by this.

remember its only a car.

wow, on i-95 you had to be doing at least 60. And I agree it could have been a lot worse. Cars are replaceable.

Wow man, you must have been going fairly fast. Glad to see that your alright.

Sorry to hear man. Glad you're ok though. That's exactly how I felt when I got into my accident, Like Carter said, cars are replaceable.

UGH. that's awful man. it only stands to get more annoying...BUT. not the worst thing that could happen. glad to see you're ok

As said.. Glad you're ok. That could have been much worse. Hitting a deer at those moving speeds can get VERY dangerous. The car is damaged, but just think, now you'll get those small dings, dent, and chips taken care of now at the body shop. It will be new again before you know it.

The most important thing is that you are all right. As a parent of a daughter that totaled her car back in 99 in Wells after hitting a moose I know your parents were relieved hearing from you not a cop after the accident.

yes, really the 'worst thing that could have happened' is that there would be red ambulance lights flashing behind your mangled WRX while they were hauling you and passengers off to the hospital.

trip to the body shop sucks no doubt...however this is much preferable to a trip to the other kind of "body shop" for people.

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Yeah, I hit one with my 2009 back in april, but I was only doing between 45 and 50. They come right out of no where. I have only hit one, but I have had half a dozen close calls. Even at the slower speeds I was traveling it destroyed my front passenger side quarter. I threw the deer about 25 to 30 feet. Cost about $4000 in damage by the time all was tallied up but the insurance company was good for it, its a deer after all, and it was a moving object of nature on a collision course. Deer are covered under comprehensive coverage. It would be different if you hit something permanantly stationary, fixed to the ground, or with its own wheels. They will either cover it or total it, but your compensation should come relatively easy, just make sure YOU negotiate an appropriate value for your vehicle if they do total it, thier first offer is always low, sometimes even laughable. Good luck man, glad to hear you are ok.

thanks guys. i really appreciate the support. and i knew i could come to you for it

no body shop for me though. i only have liability. i think i can get her fixed up though, worst part will be the radiator and fans. then just a hood and fender.

btw i was going 70, on cruise control
