Union Rallyx '06

Just found out that Bill Green's Maine will be checking us out on Saturday. ;D
Hehe if he puts me on, that'd be the 2nd time I've been on his show.... BTW Kathy, do you know if you have those scca numbers plates with 49 on one of em? If I recall you had it at Strafford SPrings... Just curious...

I hope its dry as hell. That freakin rain slows everyone down and dampens the fun. I like going fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW I have the day off, but $$ is tight, but work has been rockin so I might have the extra $$ I need....I hope, we'll see.

Kat do you still have ME plates on your rig, so you can pretend to be Mainah? ;D R-dawg, when were you on Bill's show last time? What was the topic? Did you get Bill's autograph? If I see him there I'm going to give him my autograph...you know, cuz I'm an outstanding Mainah Driver! ;D

I do still have ME tags ;D Not that I should, but I do.

I don't have the numbers they in the trailer w/Scott


i sent an Email out to the mail list..

i am in need of a car to race with at union..


please help,

plans changed and not enough time to fix the saturn wagon!

no. not uless it is falling apart already.

He also has some gravel tires on steel rims that would greatly improve your times at the event too

And then you need to stick around for the 100% more dead pig afterwards... O0

I won't be able to race Saturday .. and I have to work in P-Town at 5, so .. I dunno how much pig I'll be eating :-

But I definatly want to come check it out, so ... I'll probably be there.

Is the Union RallyX open to first-timers? (either day?)
Very much so... 2 years ago this was my First race..
And believe me, you'll love it!
I second that. My first was last year. Don't be a stranger either, if you have questions or anything, just ask.
