Hehe if he puts me on, that'd be the 2nd time I've been on his show.... BTW Kathy, do you know if you have those scca numbers plates with 49 on one of em? If I recall you had it at Strafford SPrings... Just curious...Just found out that Bill Green's Maine will be checking us out on Saturday. ;D
R-dawg, when were you on Bill's show last time?
Very much so... 2 years ago this was my First race..Is the Union RallyX open to first-timers? (either day?)
I second that. My first was last year. Don't be a stranger either, if you have questions or anything, just ask.Very much so... 2 years ago this was my First race..Is the Union RallyX open to first-timers? (either day?)And believe me, you'll love it!