I highly doubt anyone complaining about the US Top Gear has actually watched the early seasons of the UK Top Gear.
They were painfully dull. Hell even some of the new seasons have their boring moments. You are comparing the very first episode of a show to season FIFTEEN of UK top gear. Drink that in for a second.
This episode is more like a pair of teenagers going out on a first date. They're not exactly sure how things are supposed to go and there are awkward moments, but they'll get the hang of it eventually.
Tanner was very dry, but man can he drive. Hopefully he'll find his legs in the future episodes, but honestly his awkwardness didn't bother me.
The viper segment was good. Celeb segment was too short. Lambo segment started to get good once they were POOP talking.
Parts felt scripted, but that'll smooth out in time. I was entertained and did laugh out loud a few times.
It was a solid 6 in my opinion, MUCH better than I expected. And besides,this is literally the last chance for an entertaining car show to exist in America. If this flops we wont see one for a looooooonnnnggggggg time. I'm hoping for the best.
Notable things. The UK version they viciously tear into cars, where as the US version, I doubt you'll see much of that. The reasons for this are two-fold. Advertising and big business run the show here. Period. Secondly, Ferrara and Wood aren't going to crap on supercars because they haven't driven many. Every super car they get in for the next few seasons is going to be an OMG THIS CAR IS AWESOME experience for them, where as Clarkson has had FIFTEEN seasons to get it down.