Second episode was pretty good, definitely better than the first. I still say anyone complaining should go watch season 1 of the UK top gear. I'll even bring the files on a dvd to a meet for you...

Because we would would counter with our opnions on how it did NOT suck.

either just to spite you.....or for the fact that we liked it.

Im thinking the former.....anyone venture an opinion besides me on the third episode?

i thought it sucked also.... i almost changed the channel half way through, but wanted to see the caddy jump, which put it out of commision for the policed bit, which was disappointing

They need to do an episode where they each have to buy $1,000 car up in Madawaska, ME during the winter. Then have a contest to who can get to Bennington, VT first. Along the way have stages on logging roads, go down to epping, then ice racing up at lake champlain or maybe use the and rover adventure trails up in Manchester, VT. That would be a good show. Maybe the theme is best winter beater.

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/\ /\ /\ /\ I think you should write episodes for the show!!!! /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ I haven't seen the latest episode but will watch it tonite!


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