VF40 Just Blew Up

A magnetic drain plug won't do anything. Bearing material is copper and lead, that's the majority of what's going around clogging up turbos and small oil passages.

A magnetic drain plug won't do anything. Bearing material is copper and lead, that's the majority of what's going around clogging up turbos and small oil passages.
It's a bit more then just copper and lead, also loss of lubrication to any part could have created small bits of metal. There are ferrous metals throughout the engine.
Getting my car back today!

5 weeks later...

But anyways I ended up getting a longblock out of an 09 wrx from Florida that has 10k miles on it. Also having Shell Rotella T6 5w-40 oil put in, Subaru oil filter, NGK iridium plugs, new clutch while the motors out even though the old one was still mint figured might as well.

Also having him fix the few exterior flaws my car has, scratch on the front bumper and small dent in the drivers side door. And he's powdercoating my rims high gloss black, I'll post pics when I pick her up later.

Fingers crossed to the new setup working out for me.

The old one was mint, zero shaft play. The official diagnosis was that it spun a rod bearing, so basically the rod got loose and was flapping around inside the block making a hellacious noise. Didn't get to the point where the bearing was shaving metal off, so there was no need to replace the turbo. I know some of you on here may disagree but I'm fine with this and that's all that matters.

I've already started my fund for a new turbo anyways though but I'm still deciding which one I want.

Well when the bearing gets "loose" that's because it has lost material and there are shavings being dispersed throughout the oil. The turbo may not have shaft play but that doesn't mean it hasn't been contaminated. And it could eat the new motor too. But that's already been said. Hopefully for your sake that doesn't happen.

I don't want to hear anything until you have both turbos shafts break at the same time on a twin turbo Audi less than a mile from the dealership. Bye bye cats...

Hopefully I'll be swapping this for a WRX anyways so I won't have to deal with the stupid VF40 anymore anyways

Sooooo the nightmare continues...

I went in yesterday to see how the finished motor swap was running. The whole thing was done and put together, he just had to do the wheels still, but I took it for a quick spin to see how it was running since I hadn't driven it in 5 weeks.

Started down the road and she was running like a dream, pulling hard and even seemed to have a little more zip then she did before, she was boosting hard and smooth and everything just felt perfect. So after driving about a half mile down the road I turned around and started heading back to the shop.

On my way back I was going up a pretty steep hill and all of a sudden the power started cutting in and out and then smoke started billowing out from under the hood. I pulled back into the shop, popped the hood and noticed there was a pretty good sized crack along the plastic part on top of the radiator, and coolant was pissing out all over my engine. Left the car with my mechanic and he said he'd look at it more once it cooled down.

Just another speed bump on the never-ending nightmare that this 05 LGT has turned out to be, but hopefully this issue resolves itself in a timely manner because this process is going on 6 weeks and I'm starting to get pretty fed up with the whole thing.

Thank god for overnight shipping!

Looks like a new radiator will be here around lunch time and he'll have it in this afternoon, hopefully the wheels will be done too and this nightmare will finally be over.

The old one was mint, zero shaft play. The official diagnosis was that it spun a rod bearing, so basically the rod got loose and was flapping around inside the block making a hellacious noise. Didn't get to the point where the bearing was shaving metal off, so there was no need to replace the turbo. I know some of you on here may disagree but I'm fine with this and that's all that matters.

I've already started my fund for a new turbo anyways though but I'm still deciding which one I want.
Screw the turbo, ditch the stock 2.5 glass pistons.

haha we will see. she's staying stock for a while anyways while I take the time to put together my build list and while I sell my kidney and possibly a lung as well to afford it.

wow man....suck to think your car is fix for it to raisin the bed again so quick.......Keep plugging away,youll get there..

Finally got the LGT back on Sunday! The new motor is smooth as butter and she's running like a brand new car. Put an AVO drop in air filter in her which helped her a bit and also put on some Hella horns and rally armors. Getting my HIDs put in tomorrow and the headlight housing painted and hopefully picking up my rims from being powdercoated and having my summer Falkens put on. Everything seems solid with the car now, hopefully she continues to run healthy and live a long boostful life.


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