perhaps it was a swimming team.
kati quit hogging the computer i sent gabe a pm
thank you (swimming team), again, I don't frequent that website but they could be anyone.
Summertime, do you tell the people at the beach to cover up? There's a time and a place for certain attire (or lack of attire), and this float or whatever it is, called for it with bathingsuits, palm trees, and knee pads [so they don't get hurt if they fall off].
I mean hell, they look like lifegaurds advertising for their beach.
If they weren't gay, you'd feel pretty crappy about stereotyping, right?
Mark, Gabe's working, plus we have 4 computers. If it's urgent I can message him.
Back on track:
I am proud that I was moved enough by one question to register to vote this year. I felt a huge sense of accomplishment, though all of the things I voted on, didn't "win". I was passionate about Question 1 because I have a handful of lesbian friends, NO gay family members, but the Yes on 1 campaign ticked me off, and that fueled me wanting to vote against them. They were ignorant. I did, however, get to learn about 2 children's books that were about gay marriage that I would have NEVER known about had I not seen the Yes on 1 commercials. So, I'm sure they boosted their sales... ooops.
Then when I saw the medicinal marijuana post here, I started looking more into it. I am still ticked that the ones that can now get medical marijuana can have balloons for packaging, crack spoons, bongs and glass blown bowls. I feel they should get a corn cob pipe and some Zig Zags and leave it at that. I know this will mean there will be some untruthful people- friends being pulled over with the ones that have permission will toss their bowl to the one with permission- and the recreational smoker will get out of trouble for holding illegal paraphernalia. And the whole kids can use it with parental consent.
Then I saw the school consolidation question. I do NOT want schools to be consolidated. They said they wouldn't lose the teachers, but where would they cram them? The teacher-to-student ratio will be unfair.
And yes, while I CHOSE to be ignorant (meaning: less educated) on the matters, I am proud of what I stood up for. I do wish that the questions were written in Layman's terms. I realize this statement could anger the wrong person, where I'd be blasted for even voting because I wasn't fully educated on the issues. But I read what I needed to know, and my voting didn't count anyway.
Also, I chose to remain party-less as I have NO clue was a democrat or republican is. Again, this was never interesting to me, so I never took the time to learn about it.
Thank you for continuing this discussion.
-----Added 11/5/2009 at 01:19:08-----
If this is true than Kristof should have been true to his word and voted No on 1
that's what many on the No on 1 campaign have been saying all along. People didn't take the time to READ and they did
most likely just go on the fact that it was about "gay people".