What amused U at NEFR


New member
1) Dude wiping out to get a mudflap...that was some klassic fun and I am still bowing to U for UR severe efforts... Travis would B proud of the extreme nature of the flap recovery.

2) Being on the VIP bus while the driver beat the snoots out of the thing down the fish pond stage... I think she had almost as good a time as Pedro did in his 4runner..

3) Pedro and Crew turning faster times than some of the drivers.

4) The fact I live so devastatingly close to the action... damm I even had time to come home and jump in my pool after the Mexico Rec. park stage.

5) watching one of the Rock Star Beverages mechanics take a sip of a Rockstar and then pour it out with a disgusted look on his face... the wife just missed a picture of it.

The absolute best thing we saw was Ken Blocks daughter on a number of occasions... One she interupted daddy for a good night kiss during a video taped interview.... She was also regularly seen playing with the Lil' Pastrana kid (I think) and with the Monster green ribbons in her hair... Wife only got one pic of the kids being cute but will not post it out of respect for their privacy.

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Winning a Subaru Rally Team t-shirt on Saturday morning amused me. Also, seeing Pastrana driving his rally car in traffic was kind of funny.

watching Ken Block Toss his daughter a good 4 feet above his head with her kicking screaming and giggling, that was one of the funniest things i saw all weekend. I would also say the camo painted 510 that was at the rec park, and towing a car out of a stage was my top things that amused me this weekend

Seeing the gold Mustang getting escorted off the rec park by Scott Beliveau after he was "doing mad kewl donuts in teh parc yo!"

Asking Broken Motorsports if it was ok if I took photos of the dumped fozzie, and receiving a snide remark in return. Good job, ****** bags.

Finding that Karma is a 5 letter word, and seeing the Broken Motorsports car live up to its name... then snapping a bunch of pics of the repair... (this was maybe 30 mins after the above event).

Seeing the flat black talon take a wrong turn 20 seconds into the SS Stage at Berlin. Mind you, this was AFTER they had a parade lap on said course. Oh, and that course was just a glorified RallyX course for all intents and purposes. This same team was talking smack about LDR on their forum saying how they could push for an easy win and such.

Witnessing a state trooper pull over a group of 4 wheelers. Reason? Lead dude had a 1-2 yr. old in his arms while driving an ATV. WTF is wrong with some of these people?

Attempting to control ~50 drunk, high, underage kids who were passing around an open bottle of rum, joints and plenty of beer. All while hanging out with the Gull-Winged Tahoe in the pic forum along with 10-15 other trucks and ATV's. Best part? One of them runs into the hot stage, attempts to hand a passing Pastrana an open beer can and then quickly reminds himself just how close he is and falls backward on his butt.

yeah I saw her call him "Daddy" a bunch of times.. for one brief second I almost misssed my kids...

ARGH... I hate being a parent and having to admit being in posession of a soul...

I hope that statie took one of that idiots wheels...

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Andrew out climbing a mad tyte yo truck with wicked swheeeet tyres in his 89 awd bmw.

Andrew eating s getting the mud flap.

Andrew trying to order a double cheeseburger with one burger and one chicken patty. Then once denied, he said hes goin to BK so he can have it his way.

Andrew asking McD's to big as$ size his cup.

I see a pattern here...

I also like the kids at conchord pond yelling car, even though there was no car.

The integra almost ending up in the woods.

and the tools in the road after the opening car goes by to take pics of his family...

Andrew out climbing a mad tyte yo truck with wicked swheeeet tyres in his 89 awd bmw.
Andrew eating s getting the mud flap.

Andrew trying to order a double cheeseburger with one burger and one chicken patty. Then once denied, he said hes goin to BK so he can have it his way.

Andrew asking McD's to big as$ size his cup.

I see a pattern here...

I also like the kids at concord pond yelling car, even though there was no car.

The integra almost ending up in the woods.

and the tools in the road after the opening car goes by to take pics of his family...
All of this plus Andrew's glutton burger at Sunday River Brewing.


Kristof making sure Andrew got some extra catchup.

One of the first things Kristof said to me "oh hey you must be Dan since no one else would come flying into a micky D's"

Watching the new sti hit 1k.

Oh yeah there was a rally that we saw too. I swear I had just as much fun hanging out with the group as I did watching the rally.

Rallyxi throwing up the V for victory when I was shouting at him as he drove past.

Ken Block dukes of hazarding the crap out of Concord Pond.

My favorite was the Canadian dude sneaking up behind his peeing friend with a video camera at Middle Dam.

And the guy who managed to fall out of his folding chair, have the chair fold up perfectly, land on his back but save his beer at the same stage.

Trying to out-shout the little kids yelling "car" at concord pond.

DP gas station.

Chris Duplessis passing an STi on stage and then pulling away.

Outclimbing the chevy boyz at concord pond. On half dead all seasons no less.

Too many fun things to list. This year's rally has set a precedent of fun, that must be at least met or exceeded next year.

2) Being on the VIP bus while the driver beat the snoots out of the thing down the fish pond stage... I think she had almost as good a time as Pedro did in his 4runner..
How was the VIP bus? I want to do that next year! Any reason why I shouldnt?

Saw a bunch of MS guys there. Met Pastrana and Mirra. Saw Block only briefly. How about Mrs Block racing too? That was pretty cool. Put on almost 500 miles of spirited back-roads driving. The Rally made an amazing Subaru weekend!

We were in the LDR rally car waiting to start a stage, and this tall thin guy comes up to us, "I got a bone to pick with you two"

we were like, "Uh oh"
Well, at least he wuz smiling.

guy hikes up his shirt to show a golf ball size bruise on his chest, "I was wondering if it was OK to have my picture taken with the car that threw up this rock"

!!!??? He was SO psyched, and supposedly is sending us the pictAr.

On another rally-car-gravel-tags-speccie note, there was this one super drunk dood watching Concord Pond stage, waving his beer bottle at the cars going past. Dave Mirra's car tossed up a rock which smashed the bottle, spraying beer all over the guy, kind of a champagne spray thing in reverse.

Thanks to all the MS crowd who came out to cheer us and all the other rally cars on to greater silliness out in the woods!

As we pull out onto the main road for the long transit back to Sunday River after the final stage, Alan punches up the "Max Speed" recorded by the heads up display and giggles...

99 mph. (not too shabby for a 2.5 NA on that stage).

Hitting a washout that we had to crawl across in first gear during recce...

flat out and the rally car didn't even flinch.

Keeping our service crew completely bored all weekend.

Keeping our service crew completely bored all weekend.
bah! Bored out of our minds thanks to your accurate driver and awesome nagivating skills.

And I think the car stayed too clean for the DirtyImpreza of the month contest, my good man. I'll submit an entry of you guys spraying up some gravel, but that's all I can do...

bah! Bored out of our minds thanks to your accurate driver and awesome nagivating skills.
And I think the car stayed too clean for the DirtyImpreza of the month contest, my good man. I'll submit an entry of you guys spraying up some gravel, but that's all I can do...
I'm beginning to think that we're just too fast to get the car dirty. No matter how hard we try, the dirt just keeps missing the car.


Asking Broken Motorsports if it was ok if I took photos of the dumped fozzie, and receiving a snide remark in return. Good job, ****** bags.

Finding that Karma is a 5 letter word, and seeing the Broken Motorsports car live up to its name... then snapping a bunch of pics of the repair... (this was maybe 30 mins after the above event).
Just FYI, you are cheering their crash because of the service crew? The guys in the car are stand up fellas.

Just FYI, you are cheering their crash because of the service crew? The guys in the car are stand up fellas.
Yeah i have met them a few time and they are nice guys to talk to. We had a bit of banter before stage 10 about how they are trying to see how people like the new smaller imprezza. I thought the weight savings really brought out eh best in the car lol
