what type of oil?

this is the opinion of thousands not just nates...... but yeah his do suck.
Who asked you????

AMS oil FTW. I have seen it run pretty clean in the 6k mile range

Really though with the way turbo'd Subaru's burn oil there is not much point in running synthetic. The best thing to do really is run the standard motor oil from Subaru.

Im thinking that's the way im going to go with the new motor...

i use to be a big castrol fan but if you read the backside bottom label...very small castrol oil is distributed by BP oil......no more castrol for me

I must be in the minority, but I run M1 usually unless there is a wicked sale on some other full syn oil.

and I get 7500mi (as per subaru) in the summer and 5000mi in the winter. less than 1/4 qt usage through the mileage. 130,000mi and counting. But I also drive ~100mi/day

Pedro, I'm assuming that you don't buy into the "Subaru engines hate Mobile 1 and will result in spun bearings" that is preached over on NASIOC?

I used to run M1 all the time with my 2.0L motor. After reading the horror stories on NASIOC about people's experience with M1, I'm scared to ever use that stuff again.

After 5-6k miles or so with my EJ257 block, it's back to Rotella Syn 5w-40.

Yah.... And you blew a motor???

I run Rotella too though. I better not blow anything up.

not really. but I also don't beat the piss out of my car. It gets a nice warm up and cool down every time I drive it.

In a track car the oil choice is a bit more important.

i just did my first lof with the rs and i found shes an oil burner...maybe lost 1.5 qts over 4 k....i went over....i used m1 with a m1 filter...whats normal oil consumption for 3k with a car that's got 123k???

I ran m1 for my first few oil changes but started to notice some consumption. Ever since I have run Penzoil platinum with a OEM filter and its been pretty money every 3500 miles.

before i got my car it was always serviced through a subaru dealer in bangor....what type of oil do they use when they do a lof? i would imagine its "subaru" oil but what is it really.....

i'm glad i read this, i went up to camp and thank god i checked up oil before i went up (i run mobil 1 and a m1 filter) i was over a quart down... and i only have about 2k on my change. i thought i was just burning through it cause of rings, or a leak or something... i ran royal purp in my audi and had no problems, i know i know i wasted money but i changed it every 2500 miles... i kinda baby the cars. but i i'm gunna switch mobil this weekend i suppose. so rotella 5w 30 it is.

^this. i was halfway down on my dipstick after 500 miles on fresh mobil 1. took my pcv out at eg and joel looked at it. junk, put in a new one. and my oil put itself back from wherever it was stuck. and that was after only 20k on that pcv.


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