why leave roof racks on your subaru?


New member
Because when you roll it over they will protect you!

I am very sad to say that mine protected me this evening. You can see along the windshield where the roof crushed a little but the rest of the roof is fine and did not crush me!

Here's the story.

Running over to my friends house for just a second to help him with his subaru. I've never been there when the road has not been covered in snow. So i'm not aware how sharp this left corner really is. So i'm just cruising along, i see a corner with no sign to indicate it's anything to worry about so into the corner i go. Suddenly i notice the corner is not stopping and is actually getting much sharper! I steer harder but can't keep the tires from falling off the road. I recover once and the car is back on the road and back end snaps to the left then to the right again and the back end falls off the road again and into a ditch. At this point the front tires are still on the road. The AWDness must have tried to pull it back on the road. But it was too late with back end starting into a ditch the middle of the car bottomed out on the shoulder and over i went. Onto the passenger side first over the roof and came to rest on the drivers side.

The first thing i do is turn off the car as it is still running and in gear. I realize that i'm ok and start to get out. Unbuckle, open passenger door, stand on steering column and center console and lift myself out. At this point my friends who's house i was going to, which is 50 yards away, are running down. And i'm yelling as loud as i can cause i was pissed!!!

I wasn't so mad about the crash, accidents happen. Yes i was probably going too fast, which i never do (sarcasm), but that corner was crazy and unmarked! I guess people crash there all the time. I'm more upset that all the work i have recently done to the car is now gone. Yes, a lot if not all the good parts are salvageable, but i now don't have the complete car. She was finally just the way i wanted it (for a while anyway). It was going to be a great summer of autox, etc. Now i've just got more work ahead of me. :-

And yes this is in the Gallery:



Yes we rolled it back on its wheels.

Here you can see the front tire marks just before i went over.





Yes that is my shoe print. Yes i kicked it. I was pissed!



:-[ :'(

:'( My condolences.....

Good thing you're ok... You should send an angry letter to the state, bitching about the lack of proper warning signs before the turn and have then pay for the damage done, just dont mention your speed, blame it on a squirrel...

like i said. just glad your ok. cars are replaceable, friends aren't.

you just need to find a new cheep OBS to put all your pimpness into and your back in action. i found one in NH almost the same as yours i sent you the link. one or two weekends of swaping parts and we're back in busniess. ;D

:'( My condolences.....

Good thing you're ok... You should send an angry letter to the state, bitching about the lack of proper warning signs before the turn and have then pay for the damage done, just dont mention your speed, blame it on a squirrel...
It might actually be worth a shot.

I'm glad you got some great pics of her last sunday before this.


I think someone up here has the same thing for sale I'll check for you if you want. Glad your okay!!!!!!


Damn! Again, glad you're ok. Probably a little sore today... the picture phone pic that Akina sent me last nite looked like just a little dent.

I'd try bitching to the State... was it a State road?

Pete, glad to see that you made it out of that alive. Good thing you were wearing your belt, or there could have been some damage to ya.

FWIW, let me know if you need a hand dismantling the car to swap to a new one, if that's in the future.

P.S. I see the hood has a bit of damage from one of the pics... how bad is it?

But wait what if our subaru doesn't have roof racks?

Glad you didn't get hurt and a +1 on the offering an extra set of hands to help you dismantle your old beast and reassemble a new one. Good luck with the impending car search.

I wouldn't mind lending a hand either .. I had enough people come and help me, I think I can give back a little

Glad you're alright, sucks about the car tho :- I've always worried about spending all my money on my car, and in just a split second it could all go bye-bye ...

This is a reality check for me, glad it wasn't worse

Thanks to everyone, and thanks for offering to help i will let you know what i'm doing once i have a plan.

But wait what if our subaru doesn't have roof racks?
I don't think subaru was really thinking that the racks would save teh roof from getting crushed. The roof should hold up fine in a roll. But i do think that my racks let the car roll over onto the drivers side since they are rounded on the ends. Which let me climb out easier. Getting out upside down would have sucked... more.

I think you just built yourself a rally car!
Rip the seats out, put some skid plates on... you'll be all set! Might need an alignment. ;D

"well, the last thing I remember Doc was I started to swerve

then I saw the Jag pull into the curve

I know I'll never forget that horrible sight

I found out for myself that everyone was right

You won't come back from Dead Man's Curve"
