why leave roof racks on your subaru?

that's a nasty crash, glad you made it out OK.

Maine's shoulders are wicked soft and sandy, I've almost gotten sucked in a couple times.

:'( My condolences.....

Good thing you're ok... You should send an angry letter to the state, bitching about the lack of proper warning signs before the turn and have then pay for the damage done, just dont mention your speed, blame it on a squirrel...
That's real honest :
Aren't our taxes bad enough without having to pay for people overdriving their car? ???

Pete, that sucks really bad...and i'm so happy to hear your ok. Take the honest approach from this and learn from your mistake, people always make fun of me because i drive like an old man...but it's because i've screwed myself so many times. Be careful on those unfamiliar back roads...there's always the potential for kids, animals, bikers, or joggers on them. The fortunate thing is that a subaru was the only thing harmed in this accident.

So are you going to auto-x still with something else? I hope so dude!

I am totally going to learn from this mistake. But i do feel it could have been avoided if there had been a sign letting me know that this was not a normal corner.

I've been thinking back and running the whole thing over in my head. I've been on a not speeding or driving like an asshat streak lately. Because i usually do speed and drive like an asshat. Partly autox gets it out of system, partly gas is expense, partly i know i can only get out with it for so long. So this drive to my friends was no different. I was going comfortable down the road in 4th gear. Exactly how fast i was going i don't know as i don't have a speedo. anywhere from 45 to 55. Which my car is perfectly capable of taking corners at that speed with it's setup. But not one of this magnitude.

Would i have slowed down if there had been a sign? Probably a little. Enough to save my car? Maybe. I may have still spun or crashed, but i might not have rolled. hard to say.

I honestly feel it was 50% no sign 50% me not slowing down, when during normal street driving i should have. But at the same time i was not traveling a 70 pushing the car as fast a possible down a back road. Which i why this totally took me by surprise and has me still in disbelief.

yes i will learn from this. But how many of you can tell me you go exactly 35 down back roads?

yeah...geez...I'm glad you made it out ok....

and I'm glad you learned from it...sorry about yr ride bud...

I hope you get back into something soon

I am totally going to learn from this mistake. But i do feel it could have been avoided if there had been a sign letting me know that this was not a normal corner.
;D :
This is maine we're talking about here
I'm glad you'll be running the 2.5RS that's good to hear. You dont want to miss the Portland event!

And yeah auto-x gets a lot of driving angst out of your system for sure! It's actually been the number one reason i drive a little better (not to say i dont clean out the motor every now and again). And to me driving a modded car without auto-x'ing it or taking it to a road course is just silly. I've never been able to cut loose 100% like i can during a racing event on the street.

bummer man. was that you? when was that?

That is the only thing i wish, i wish i had gotten a pic of my car on it's side.

Not that it's really cool, but it adds to the story.

Its true, can't really get upset over car damage.

I was pretty pissed when it happened. I mean i had just gotten her just right for the summer.

But on the positive side i'm perfectly okay physically. And i'm kinda looking forward to projects on different car. Not that i would have complained to enjoy this one a little longer. :-

Well now that you need a new project. Here you go.... OLD L, like 94-96. EJ20g for less than 1500. And there you have it, STi killer for under 10 grand. The old ones are so light, like 2500 lbs. And completely legal too

at 70mph... not a full Olypmic gymnast flip like you... but close... It happens... as long as you can walk away... Serves as a big fat reminder to slow down and drive more carefully...



I honestly feel it was 50% no sign 50% me not slowing down, when during normal street driving i should have. But at the same time i was not traveling a 70 pushing the car as fast a possible down a back road. Which i why this totally took me by surprise and has me still in disbelief.

yes i will learn from this. But how many of you can tell me you go exactly 35 down back roads?
Ohhh me me me!!!! I never speed ;D
I find I am a better driver when I am pushing just a little. Otherwise I find my mind slowly wanders no matter how hard I try and then once I am not paying full attention bad things are much more apt to happen. It is as if there is a second of wasted response time used to shift gears in my head and in that second my car is sideways, i have ate someones bumper, or the road just went out from underneath me.... Might not be that case for you, but food for thought and bit different than the standard slow down and be more careful advice.

The advice for everyone should be "slow down and be responsible"
How bout just "be responsible", because there are definitely people out there that do not need to slow down. I will concede I don't think many of them frequent this forum. ;D
Holy Frijole!

Glad you're ok. Hope the damage isn't that major. My neighbor has an outback- maybe we can sneak over and "borrow" the fenders.... ;D

Hey evil sorry to see your ride. I was really enjoyed watching the progress of your car, its one of the reason I almost sold my RS to buy and OBS but I digress theres a saying " it could have been worse" So I'm glad you are fine to see another day and I know that a modding mind like yours will think of new and exciting directions to bring another car to an amazing state as your obs
