The unofficial GUN talk thread

I just celebrated flag day, and the birthday of the US Army by shooting off my AR-15 and my 1911.


Jamey, I got graduation stuff all weekend. No shooting for me. The youngest son is finally graduating!! He bought himself and AR lower for graduation.

I know the Kahr CMs are suppose to be that little bitty thing, and they are, but I've found the CWs more to my liking. That little bit of extra frame length and barrel agrees with my hands better. And I know its not going to sit in my pocket all the time, I'm going to shoot it, probably a lot. However they are still skinny enough for IWB, unlike my Ruger "Chunky" p95.

So I went on an online search for all things Kahr CW. Best prices I've found is Cablelas believe it or not. Serious thought going into a CW45. If I can get Cabelas to get me one for their advertised price online at $379 I'm going to do it. Problem is I might have to push it off til next weekend due to graduation stuff happening this weekend. Momma might be dippin in the gun fund.

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I tried ~10 shots through the .30-06 this weekend. I put on a Nikon Prostaff 3-9x40 and a Limbsaver replacement pad. Scope look great, clear and sharp. The limbsaver... what a difference over the hard rubber pad. No added length, bruising was very faint to non existant. Made it much more comfortable to shoot. Tried sighting it in, but didn't have a stable platform to shoot from. Also noticed how erratic this thing is once it starts to heat up, got to wait quite a while between shots or it starts wandering all over the place. That bugs me, but I guess it's the first shot that counts.

That's odd. All 4 of ours stay right on when hot, and one of mine the bolt gets stiff when hot. Glad the recoil pad helped

ps I am heading to the range with my sks and some .22's up in auburn. 8-9 am if any other Androscogin F & G members want to meet up.( are there any here?)

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I am now the owner of stag arms ar15
think im done for awhile. this gun thing gets expensive
7.62 is as cheap as .223, plus you can reliably take a deer with it leagaly if you have a <5 round mag.

I also reload my own ammo. .22lr is cheap as dirt and supper fun "pew pew pew" plus you work the same skills with it.

I take picks of all my targets to log, and vids of my self shooting so I can work on things. Like movin my hands less durring mag changes and remebering to lean FORWARD.

I also wil put a few subsonic round in the rifle to have to deal with FTE/FTF. That or use 20 year old bulk ammo
when sighting in I use the same loads I hunt with. but for just working skills I use bulk. if POI is a bit off is not a big deal.

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7.62 is as cheap as .223, plus you can reliably take a deer with it leagaly if you have a <5 round mag.

I also reload my own ammo. .22lr is cheap as dirt and supper fun "pew pew pew" plus you work the same skills with it.

I take picks of all my targets to log, and vids of my self shooting so I can work on things. Like movin my hands less durring mag changes and remebering to lean FORWARD.

I also wil put a few subsonic round in the rifle to have to deal with FTE/FTF. That or use 20 year old bulk ammo
when sighting in I use the same loads I hunt with. but for just working skills I use bulk. if POI is a bit off is not a big deal.
I now have a 9mm taurus(my carry weapon) gsg-522 and now the AR think im covered for a bit lol
I now have a 9mm taurus(my carry weapon) gsg-522 and now the AR think im covered for a bit lol
You need a scattergun sir! (rem 870 ?)I just sold a rifle to make room. It was a rem 700 custom .243 24" stainless bull barrel. There is a pic of it on here somewhere...

The wife and my faminly were all up in arms over the 700 "trigger issue" I tried to "trick" my rifles triger many times. but it only whent bang when the saftey was not engaged and my finger was on the trigger. It also had the best trigger I have ever pulled tied with a Kimber target rifle I shot. you applied pressure and it had ZERO creap till you hit just over 3 lbs, then Bang ! with no over travel. for a hunting rifle it was great, unless you were in the woods hiking...( thing weighed about 10lbs)so now I am looking for another woods deer rifle.

Update: going to falmouth range today for a little Mini-14 vs SKS and 10-22 shoot of this am.

then home to clean the house and do some work outside.

Update of update:

Just got back a while ago. Had a blast with the 10-22's ( I need more 25 round mags. the 10 rounders suck unless you are hunting or doing slow fire...

was not impressed with the guy at the range that was walking around with his pistol action closed, he stated " you cant lock open the action on a glock..."

RTFM... My friend showed him how its done. On the 100 yrd range I had some "learning moments." whilst doing the mini-14 vs SKS run. On was to the right of my friend. being pelted with .223 brass, my first stripper clip got bunneged up and a srewed up my thumb nail getting the rounds to feed ( I always love the purple nail look). I had to dump the mag and work with my next stripper clip minus a thumb. then did combat reloads from the ground two rounds at a time.. great practice. ( I also need more stripper clips)

There were two guys there in "tactical rigs" running carbines one had a silver impreza (Last gen, pre 2012) anyone here? They seemed to be well sorted on the range.

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Yeah Jamey, you're not done yet. I agree with stainless, you need a shot gun. Get a new Remington 870 or Mossberg 500, they are cheaper than used. Then you're done.

Yeah Jamey, you're not done yet. I agree with stainless, you need a shot gun. Get a new Remington 870 or Mossberg 500, they are cheaper than used. Then you're done.
maybe for Xmas lol or I find good deal , it be awile this was a slight kick to the wallet
Yeah Jamey, you're not done yet. I agree with stainless, you need a shot gun. Get a new Remington 870 or Mossberg 500, they are cheaper than used. Then you're done.
maybe for Xmas lol or I find good deal , it be awile this was a slight kick to the wallet
I like it a lot. I've been competing with it. Its rugged, only jammed twice in about 2,000 rounds, and simple. Double action ( first shot) the thing is horrible, single action is nice. The grip is beefy, too beefy for some people. I have a Hogue sleeve on my grip. All the other Ruger p-series 9mm mags will fit the P95 and Mecgar and proMag make nice mags for cheap. I've got 5 mags now. All I have found here and there for ten bucks. New Mecgar and Promag can be found for $12-$15. The p-series mags also fit the ruger pc9 carbines.

Its a nothing fancy gun. Big blocky chunk of firearm that works every time. If you can save up another $125 get the SR9. Way better pistola.

get the 870, a bit more but a little more beefy and if you go to swap a round in the pipe you dont have to dump 2 rounds. plus you have to surf/flip them out of the 500.

if you dont plan on swapping slugs/buck on the fly then it does not matter to much. I love my 870 it was the first firearm I ever bought.

The 870 is a great gun, my little brother bought an 870 for $350 bucks at cabelas, today I loaned him the money to buy this stock


And today I just made my first purchase ever, a Saiga 762x39 rifle

It has a 6 position M4 style stock, adapter to accept AK47 magazines, new dust cover with picatinny rails, and a UTG quad rail front end.


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I am in the Market for a new woods gun for deer hunting...

I want it to be lite( my prev woods gun was a rem 700 that was 10+lbs)

I want it to be compact 16-22" barrel.

Ones on my list, Ruger American .243, Ruger Gunsite scout .308, Browning x bolt .243. tc icon, venture,dimension... Marlin 336y with scout scope.

vepr in 7.62x39.

Issues: I own reloading equipment for .243. I have ammo in 30-30,243. 7.62x39,

I dont need to go with most $$$ and want to stay sub 1k$ Total. Gun+scope+accesories+50 rnds of ammo.

The 336 is low$ but I would swap the crappy trigger and ad a scout scope mount and ier scope.

the low cost bolt guns would mayber get a barrel chop/recrown and a blast of duracote. Most are ugly as sin stock.

The high corst bolt guns would get a scope. anything I missed.

I find where I hunt most shots would be sub 100 meters. so Sub MOA groups is not needed.

I run a 870 and a 686 for home def. and dont need a "zombie killer".

What do you guys/gals think?


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