
So I'm starting a thread for my most recent acquisition. A black 98 GT limited. The body is mint, amazing condition. All it needs is a front fender, and that's it.

The inside is really clean, black leather interior in nice condition, comfy seats.

It's unfortunately an automatic, with toque bind... It the future it'll find itself with a 5 speed.

The engine.... is baked. BAD. Apparently it was overheated to the point where the engine died... Then after an hour of cooling it was done again. Now it starts up (amazingly) and sounds terrible. So that's the first thing I'll replace, and get it right on the road.

Hopefully the heads aren't pooched, but I'm definitely going to take the engine apart, maybe rebuild it, maybe just a learning experience.

Anyway, that's my new car!! Picked her up for $400. No pics yet, still in someone's driveway. But this weekend she's coming home and I'll post some pics up along with a rebuild saga.

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ive got 2 mint fenders, black.
Nice! I'll have to take you up on that!

Also, in the coming months I'm going to be collecting manual swap parts, so as you get stuff, feel free to try too sell it to me. haha.

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Here is pretty much what it looks like!!! Picture this with a sunroof wind deflector. Very clean and great shape!!


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It even has those same wheels and tint.

Except when I'm done with it, the fogs are gonna be yellow, and it'll have JDM headlights

It also has a marred up front right quarter, but I'll get one from mike when I get the header.

Yeah a couple small dents. I say replace it, but keep the dented one, it's not rusty!!

those are such stout & fun cars. a green 98 LGT wag was my introduction to contemporary Scoobs. even with the auto it was pretty peppy (at least for its time)

12 years since that LGT wag, and haven't been without a Scoob (or 2 or 4) since....well except last spring when I ran a Focus SVT for a month and then got Scooby separation anxiety.

hey, just found this...quick plug n play 4EAT for $300, it would gitcher back on the road pretty easy http://maine.craigslist.org/pts/2179306707.html

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Weather pending, it's coming home on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone buy my legacy so I can get this thing on the road!!
