Butler & Mac Master. Car down, again ...

..ive never heard anything good about that place.

au contraire, mon frere....B&McM has built a whole lotta hot race motors and rescued many many half-done motor jobs. I know more repeat customers who count on them for good work than I do people who have had probs in dealing with them.

bottom line is, they made good on this engine. yes it took a while...they are a very deliberate crew. engineers--actual trained engineers--is who you're dealing with there. stuff does not happen overnight.

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Update: Engine is being replaced!

good news man. glad to hear it.
Engine is in the last couple stages!

New shortblock all assembled -- 4 brand new pistons and case.

Gabe (big thanks!!!) was nice enough to drop off the heads today, so I should have it back sooner than later.


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