In before the close!

Good man. Even if he won't get back to me about paint -.-
I interrupted his Battlefield ;]

He just said, "Tell him, that since I'm graduating in a few days, I'm about to have a lot of free time on my hands."

Anyone else notice we have exceeded 3000 posts in this thread alone?
I feel like we're being trolled.  This will NEVER END, but on the bright side there have been many heart-warming, friendly conversations on this thread, and we've all made new friends, d'aaaawww.  Really though, I'm going to feel so bad if Ally doesn't win because a huuuuge percentage of these are hers.

Oh boy, it wasn't battlefield interruption worthy! But when he's back in the area I could really use his bondo experience and his welder. The car is being plastidipped so I'm not worried about paint any more. But a hand with prep work would be great

Your WRX needs Bondo?!  What color are you dipping it?

Also, Battlefield interruption was needed.  He recently purchased a headset 

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Yeah I dropped off a jack like an r-tard. gloss fire belly Orange.

And the trunk will probably need some bondo lovin too.

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It's cool...I had a GTI that TJ was replacing the brakes on and nearly chopped his legs off because I twisted the jack handle a liiiiittle too forcefully O_O.  Accidents happen.

I was in a rush, didn't think that with the handle up that the bolt would be in the way... I let it down nice and easy too, heard every little scrape and crumble.

I'll catch tj on Facebook... I need his xbl name. I thought I was the only one that played battlefield.

Ohhhh no, he plays avidly.

Do you have the dip yet?  Are you doing it yourself?  Mine has stupid paint chips missing from it, and rust in the usual places that I want to attack.

Nah I sweet talked robby into a killer deal. He's got the dip already, he's just waiting on me. You guys will have to stop by the new place some time. The new garage is much nicer. Ceiling isn't even falling or anything! Lol

I can't get over the blue his is.  I want that with pink rims...I know, it screams "easter egg", but Maine Metal powder coats for $50 a wheel hahaha.

Did you end up taking care of that dirt bike you had kicking around last year haha?

Yeah my wheels are going to be about $50 each just in material but I'm so friggin excited for them.

Yeah the dirtbike went back to its owner.... Still just chillin. He has no idea what he's doing with it. It was pretty much a total lose anyways. Take the pipe and the bars, scrap the rest. I'm trying to talk myself out of a new KTM >.<

He's still friends with Puiia isn't he? Pooie has a drz125 for sale cheap cheap.

Other than that get an old kdx80 and thank me later.

minimoto my buddy built. Stupid fun. See a 7' tall dude go zipping by at 60 on a minimoto... Good times.

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Haaaahahhahaha that's awesome!!!  I want one in a bad way.  That would be just my size lol.

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