Mah cah!

Yep, but it's slow... You may or may not have noticed the duct tape on the bottom holding it together... I got mad at it once...

This week Legacy is going back on the road. I've missed you little car.

Every time it has snowed I went up the hill to it to clear snow off it.

Failed inspection for left tie rod... So I sulked over to napa, bought an outer tie rod end, and sulked home. I thought I'd pass inspection... anyway.

This morning I got to work and ... realized the outer tie rod end is in alrightish shape, not good, but no play. So I hopped in the GL and went back to napa and bought an inner tie rod and boot.

Back home I got into a little bit of a fight with the steering rack, but it came apart eventually. Put it all back together, drove up and down the road a bit to get the alignment back and I REALLY REALLY hope I pass inspection tomorrow.

Thanks! Pretty sure it will pass, he said that's all it failed for. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Good luck!! Good to hear you got it back together. So you just measured and put it back as close as you could to the way it was? Let me know if you pass!!

Good luck!! Good to hear you got it back together. So you just measured and put it back as close as you could to the way it was? Let me know if you pass!!
Well, I couldn't get the lock nut off to save my life. I had the whole thing sitting on the floor. And I used heat, wrenches, hammers, etc. But nothing would get it separated. So just as well I had to replace the inner anyway... Anyway I just put the old one on the floor, threaded the new assembly together till it was the same length, then counted how many turns it was to unwind. I had to take it apart again to put the inner on, and get the boot on.

then I threaded the outer onto the rod after the boot was on. And bolted it all back together.

The new outer joint didn't have a castle nut, it has a nylock, which kinda upsets me. I like castle nuts better, so I just buggered the threads a little so it can't back off.

Anyway, I got it pretty close, it only took another half turn to get it to track straight. All in all, it wasn't a horrible job, just friggin' expensive!!

It was somewhere around $90 for inner, outer, and the boot.

Effing pricey!! But cheaper than paying someone to do it, so whatever.


hey that's cool. is the check engine light custom too?

hey that's cool. is the check engine light custom too?
Thanks!! Yep, I added a custom CEL that never comes on when the car is running, especially if it's something for emissions. Haha.

My CEL actually has only ever come on a few times for silly things. I'm pretty surprised.

So it's always been thought that in order to turn around in my driveway you need to back up and do a K turn.... Well, I don't.

Awesome, that's what I try to do but my driveway is somewhere around half as wide... It never works.

Also, I love your headlights. So sexy.

if you can't turn your suby around in a driveway that is about as wide as the car is long.... well.. you need more practice.

Hmmm... maybe that's what I'll do next time the snowbanks are soft

Also, there's a 6-8ft dropoff to the side of my driveway, which is why I haven't practiced much already.

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I've had better drifts around in it. Just nobody to film. One side of my driveway is a 8' drop off, one side is a 3' deep ditch, and if I go to far I'll hit the garage, and there was a car parked by the garage too. heh. I didn't hit any of it though.

I'd go try this on the road I live on, there isn't any traffic and I can see for 1/2 mile in either direction. But it's public and that's illegal, so I'd never post a vid of that... or God forbid do something dangerous on a public road.

Also, I love your headlights. So sexy.
Thanks! I really love these lights. SOOO lucky I got that deal on them from HR Rad

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