Mah cah!

Good idea. I also found some ones online for $45. I don't understand how Norm's can charge new or near new price on things. They told me they'd sell me a clutch cable with 230k for $45 and I got a new one from EG for like $52. I don't get it...
at least they were honest with you and told you the correct mileage..

They could have been like "Oh shes got about 30k on her."

Good point. It was frayed though at the same end mine broke... It wouldn't have been worth my time putting it in my car if it was free...

So I was reading about sticking calipers and it seems a cause is they get rust in them. So with the caliper off but still connected to the brake line I had someone push on the brakes until the piston was all the way out. Then I disconnected the brake line and compressed the piston to squeeze all the fluid out of the caliper. And a bunch of rust came out! So I repeated this a few more times, put it back together, and bled it. Works now, we'll see if it stays that way.

Thanks! I'll see how it goes! I really don't want to have to buy a caliper because I blew the engine on my moped and it's gonna cost about $40 in parts to fix it... heh

I was asking for it... heh. I run it around all the time at WOT at really high RPM. Like 8k+ all the time. One of the ring indexing pins came loose and ate the piston, rings, and cylinder wall. It still runs ... Just pretty low on compression.

Welded up my exhaust. I've never welded exhaust before. I officially hate welding exhaust. It looks like I took a crap on my exhaust pipe, but it doesn't have any leaks. So whatever.

Yeah exhaust, especially old exhaust takes a little practice!!! Good to hear it's not loud!!

So I have it all pieced back together finally. NAPA couldn't get me the right doughnut gasket to save their life. but EG got me one

Also I'm gonna weld it up some more. I have a flared pipe welded to the muffler side with an exhaust clamp to the mid-pipe (I guess the PO took out that flange...), but I think exhaust clamps look stupid, are temporary, and would be much better welded.

And the latest thing done was EG put in a new seatbelt free. Which is awesome. Subaru lifetime warranty FTW! That's about all. I'm doing some serious rust repair right now, my back left door is really badly rusted out, and my right side rear fender has some bad rust on it. So some welding, bondoing, priming, and then finally some colour match paint and a good wax is gonna happen. I'll post pics, should be wicked shiny.

So of course I forgot about inspection until the last day of the month... Anyway, I took my car to get inspected today and, well.

Said my tires are really marginal, but they'll pass... barely.

Rust hole in door didn't fly, at all. Almost rust hole in rear quarter wasn't liked, but doesn't go through... so...

It also failed for a torn steering rack boot
Grrr. I really don't feel like replacing that. But I guess I have to, sooo... I'll call EG tomorrow and order the part.

Grumble. I'm not in a happy mood about that.

Lesson is to do inspection beginning of the month, not the last day assuming it'll pass.... At least I have the GL, and I can fix the issuse with this.

Lesson is to do inspection beginning of the month, not the last day assuming it'll pass.... At least I have the GL, and I can fix the issuse with this.
Don't forget you've got a 30 day grace period. Mikey told me about it, and I found someone from the MSP posting online backing it up.

Don't forget you've got a 30 day grace period. Mikey told me about it, and I found someone from the MSP posting online backing it up.
I thought that was defunct a few years ago.

I got a door today for $18! Woo. So I don't have to deal with a rusted out door now, just swap on the new one. I have to change over the interior, but that's not so bad. I'd rather do that than deal with rust.
