Mah cah!

Oh I see!! Sounds like somethings messed up!! I was always wondering what happened if you just went through!!

Oh I see!! Sounds like somethings messed up!! I was always wondering what happened if you just went through!!
And... now you know!

I also got a $5 fine. hahaha

That happened to me once. Unfortunately we were trying to use an EZ-Pass registered to another car...

We called and said what was up and they're like "sure, we'll just send you the normal charge that didn't get paid" and we were fine.

How fast were you going through the booths? They should be good to at least 25mph.

Dunno, I generally follow the speed limits posted at the toll booth. Usually 5 or 10mph. It isn't really my EZpass, my GF and I share one back and forth. It's actually registered to a car that isn't on the road anymore. But neither of us have ever had an issue with it.

So I was really pissed off today about a few things and I was kinda giving this car crap. But the interesting thing is, after some hard driving and high RPMs my lifter tick is WAY better. Better than it's been in over a year!!!

So I think moral to the story is that these engines were designed to be beat on!

Some folks claim that higher RPMs help knock off carbon build up and its generally good to give it the full range on occasion, but that's one of those taboo topics that everyone argues about. I do agree that scooby motors were meant to be abused, I wail on my 2.5 plenty, I can't imagine how much worse I'd treat a 2.2 with its bulletproof rep.

Sad day for my Legacy

I was driving along and some asshat pulled out in front of me. RIGHT in front of me. To avoid a collision I hit the brakes and pulled off the side of the road.

Turns out I'd probably have been better off hitting the guy because at least insurance would have payed for the damage to my car.

What ended up happening is my right front wheel fell into a hole causing the tow hook to catch on the ground. It made a horrible loud bang. I stopped and got out to make sure I didn't crack the oil pan or anything and discovered that I had bent the whole front support down ... AGAIN! Same thing happened on the other side last year with the tow truck. This time it isn't as bad. but it is definitely noticeable. Makes me really sad because this car was in such good shape :'(

Of course the guy was nowhere to be found. When I get back to Maine I'll probably get the front rad support from Norm's or somewhere and replace it all myself. IIRC it was pretty expensive when the towing company had to pay the body shop to fix it the first time ...

Just pisses me off so bad, I hate it when my cars get hurt like this :'(

That suuuucks. Good lesson though: if somebody pulls right in front of you, try your best to stay on the road, even if it means hitting them.

The choice was hitting a large pickup truck, my car would have lost that. Or a head-on collision with someone coming the other way. The side of the road looked pretty flat and doable, but I guess it was just to soft :'(

Anyway, here's a pic of the damage. Looks like it's gonna be a ***** to fix. At least I have 2 cars to drive at home.


Oh man, that sucks!!! Does it drive any differently?? Shouldn't be too bad, doesn't look to be that far off, but it really sucks!!

Drives fine. So it isn't going to be a problem driving around here, or the drive back to Maine. But it really sucks and it's going to be a wicked pain to fix.

Maybe I'll cable it to a tree and just back up really fast ...........

On second thought that sounds like a bad idea.

Sucks man, I went through the same thing on my bike. Dodged the truck but still busted up my ride, making me at fault. I said eff it and rode it home all busted up. Minimizing damage doesn't always minimize damage to your wallet.

So I fixed it! It's 99%. Good enough.

I'm not even going to say how I fixed it because it was so ghetto. But It's fixed

Since this thread is boring and there hasn't been much activity lately, I think I'll liven it up with telling how I fixed it.

This might be epic...

Long story short I tied the tow hook to a tree and launched in reverse

Since this thread is boring and there hasn't been much activity lately, I think I'll liven it up with telling how I fixed it.This might be epic...

Long story short I tied the tow hook to a tree and launched in reverse
Niiiiiiiiiiiiice. The tree method is perfectly valid, we've used it plenty of times on KrazyKarpenter's ATV.
