You are over 21 and married, insurance is exponentially more expensive for those of us who are still teenagers.ALL THE 2.5's HAD HEAD GASKET ISSUES!! Yours hadn't had them yet, and you were damn lucky!!! But anyways, yes they made an N/A 2.0 but you'd have to find an imported one. Why don't you look into an FXT? My insurance on mine is the same as my RS was. Not expensive at all.
Yes definitely!!! But, they look at a Forester as an SUV of sorts, and they look at a WRX as a sportscar. It will be much different!!! Even if I went and bought a WRX right now, my insurance would go up a good 50-75 a month!!!!You are over 21 and married, insurance is exponentially more expensive for those of us who are still teenagers.
Yes that would definitely be the cheap wayI'd love a WRX drivetrain in my car. What the insurance company doesn't know won't hurt my wallet![]()
me tooThat looks like an amazing condition RS. The LSD makes the car extremely more fun in the winter. I had the LSD on my 00RS and I could throttle steer so well in the corners.
The coupe is just awesome!That car looks awesome, but the only problem is that the coupe is the only body style I haven't been considering. I want a sedan for the handling but a wagon for the utility.A coupe is just a sedan that's harder to get passengers in and has less space, right? Sure it handles better, but...![]()
Are YOU ever going to have to crawl in the back seat?That car looks awesome, but the only problem is that the coupe is the only body style I haven't been considering. I want a sedan for the handling but a wagon for the utility.A coupe is just a sedan that's harder to get passengers in and has less space, right? Sure it handles better, but...![]()
at least when it does (and it will), it is the SOHC. So it won't leave you stranded.Good points... What's the likelyhood that it will develop a headgasket issue? Is it like 80%?
I didn't say that!(i.e. not a problem for the high school student who doesn't even need a turbo)