New England Forest Rally 2009


the car is black. I swear
This years New England Forest Rally is scheduled for July 17-18, 2009.

The website will be updated and worker reg will start soon. So start asking for the time off from work and anything else you will need to get time off from:p.

There may be more stage miles this year and we will need more workers. I want to see a huge Mainely worker presence at this event. I can't promise working together, but I will try. When you complete your registration form indicate on the bottom you are a Mainely member so Ted and I can work to get a Mainely team together.

Again this year, we will need folks that can go up the weekend before, and in the days before to clear brush and set up spectator areas. Let me know if there any of you can help.

Radio help is also needed: anyone interested in taking the test a week or two before the rally.

change state to MA, ME, VT, etc...

questions contact me at rallykat158 at yahoo dot com

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Don't even mention the damn rally!


My friend is getting married, decided to make me the best man, and then decided to make the date during the rally.


If anybody is interested in Radio work you will need a HAM radio liscence and your own equipment.

there are online test study guides and if you want radio suggestions let me know. My father is a radio operator for sweep at the event. I am sure he can make some suggestions.

Kat - I know I can't be there for the weekend of the rally, but I will probably be available the weekend before to help out. Let me know what I can do! PS - I'll be back in NE in a couple weeks.

Kat - I know I can't be there for the weekend of the rally, but I will probably be available the weekend before to help out. Let me know what I can do! PS - I'll be back in NE in a couple weeks.
fill out a worker form so Ted will know you are handy and available, especially for the weekend before work

It sounds like a couple of friends and I are coming ... we're probably just going to spectate this year, but depending how the whole thing goes, we may participate as workers in the future! I hope to see everyone there! We're going for the meet and greet Thursday!

fill out a worker form so Ted will know you are handy and available, especially for the weekend before work
I sent Ted an email a couple days ago and filled out a worker form. Thanks!

I'm signed up as a worker. If you plan on being there for the weekend it'd be dumb not to volunteer. You get the best seat in the house and contribute to the event!

I just worked timing control at the Nemadji trail rally in MN this weekend, it was fun clocking the cars over the flying finish, and a blast counting them down at the start line.

I would volunteer, however I can't imagine they'd want a drunk/hungover person "working"
. Plus I don't want any commitment, as I want to be there but I've already had to TELL my boss I was taking time off for once

In the interest of training up new workers for core positions at rallies, Team O'Neil is setting the Sunday before New England Forest Rally aside as a worker training day. But to make it a true "training" day, we need rally teams to run the route!


If there are teams interested in "testing" before the rally, this is your shot. We will not be charging for this "testing" but we do ask that at the end of the day each team participating provide "spank me" rides to the workers who have been training all day.

Here's the deal.

We will try to run the "testing" like a real rally. This will give you a chance to shake down your equipment (both machine and human) before the event and help us train workers, so rallies can continue. Teams will be running a route that is contained wholely on the Team O'Neil facility and should be around 3 miles long. There will be no "going hot" we are trying to maintain a rally format for training purposes, while allowing some teams some free time to test equipment. You will be running at speed and the only format we have for the facility are routebook style!

You will be allowed to bring a crew should there be bugs to work out while "testing".

WORKERS: We will be training all aspects, starts, finishes, MTC's marshaling, radio. If you are an experienced workers and wish to come out to help train, please feel free, the more the better.

Questions/comments/sign up rallykat158 at yahoo dot com
