*OFFICIAL* Snow Thread

you know it's slippery out, when there's a guy drifting a ford L8000 sand truck in some un-named place nearby my location

4" frozen custard in Midcoast. enough rain to make drainage a real issue, sure hoping the spring melt comes slow to avoid catastrophes

and did I mention the roads are like a lunar collextion of giant potholes....and launch ramps interspersed with strut-bustin dips

4" frozen custard in Midcoast. enough rain to make drainage a real issue, sure hoping the spring melt comes slow to avoid catastrophes

and did I mention the roads are like a lunar collextion of giant potholes....and launch ramps interspersed with strut-bustin dips
The roads are TERRIBLE!

My driveway is awful. Ruts with a good 6" icy crap in the middle, I doubt my GTs front bumper will even clear that.

60 degrees yesterday


Just mounted k-dice's summer slicks on her car...YIKES

In Yarmouth: 40 degrees F, still snowing, about .5 inches of accumulation on my car but nothing on the ground.

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I woke up and it looked like it rained, saw cars with snow on them and went wtf? Got to my dads house and he had an inch of snow in his driveway 0.o

I had a couple inches before heading out in the AM. Mainiac, I'll bet we get a couple more wimpy soggy dustings, then a doozie in April, 6-8inches!

Then it will all melt in 2 days.


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