CEL??!! new ticking noise??!! smellz gas?!!!??!?!?! wtf does jack go???/!!!
heh we better go easy on Mr Nate, he's riding the curl across the steepest possible part of the learning curve.
OK, now onto "Subaru Problem Smells 101"
--Gas smell? Open up your gas filler, put nose about 6" away....and sniff. THAT is what gasoline smells like, nothing else does. If you ARE smelling gasoline from inside the car, it's most likely a rusted out filler neck, followed by possibility of rusted out fuel tank...either way it's a big safety issue and make sure you get Norm's to check it all out asap
--coolant leak smells sweeter, like candy or fruit koolaid, if there's a coolant/HG problem you'll smell it best a little while after car is shut down hot, and smell sweetness mostly at the front or under hood of car.
--burnt clutch basically just stinks, a sharp metallic stank that lingers. if you are still over-revving or having other clutch learning issues, you already know whe n/where burnt clutch stink is coming from! -
--running over skunks is another Subie odor problem, once you DO IT you will know it
We <3 U Nate