Pictures from MS May Meet!

Just a comment from from the head cook. who is a friend of mine'

"There was so many Subaru's that it looked like a friggin dealership"

"It was the best group I've ever seen"

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mass has had the new plates for like 15 years at this point, so pretty much any car needs front plates

mass has had the new plates for like 15 years at this point, so pretty much any car needs front plates
The old green lettered plates are thonly ones allowed to just have it rear mounted. But I have heard that you can now fail inspection with the green ones since they are so outdated. Sucks either way.

they're also super anal about it in mass. ryan you might remember this. i was driving home THE DAY OF getting my stupid nissan stanza beater registered and on the road and i got pulled over with the plate on my front seat next to the busted zip ties that weren't working for me to mount it

i also got refused to get inspected at an inspection shop because i had no front plate on my jeep wrangler. i said to gimme like 2 minutes, i had the plate in my trunk and a bag of zipties and he said he wouldn't inspect it until i had it put on in a "more permanent" manner

I want that WRB WRX Limited
I'm keeping it forever!
I actually plan on having it for as long as it'll live. Now that I own a house with a garage it's amazing how much better care I take of it. Speaking of which i've got to order some new transmission fluid.

Anyone on here an amsoil dealer?

<-came late and couldn't do pics

"Hi, I'm here with the reeeeeally big group that just sat down"

"ah, yes right this way"

I'm keeping it forever!
I actually plan on having it for as long as it'll live. Now that I own a house with a garage it's amazing how much better care I take of it. Speaking of which i've got to order some new transmission fluid.

Anyone on here an amsoil dealer?

Not a dealer but i love amsoil!

I think the 05+ leggy wagons would look better with the back end sides of the Impreza wagons... If that makes any sense. The rear end shape and front end are great looking, but the lines of the sides in the back are just... off.

I think the 05+ leggy wagons would look better with the back end sides of the Impreza wagons... If that makes any sense. The rear end shape and front end are great looking, but the lines of the sides in the back are just... off.

Yah, i'm gonna have to disagree with that one there young one.

Thanks gclark!!


It just makes it look more like a limo/hearse than a Subaru, IMO.

All legacy sedans have sweet lines though
