Post what you're drinking

Prune juice

I've determined that mead is a bit too sweet/honey tasting for my palette. I'm still going to drink it though, it was rather expensive. Might have to try a different mead to see if the results are the same. It'll have to come in a nifty bottle though.

Captain morgans private stock mixed 50/50 with vanilla cream soda
If you like the captain, you should pick up a bottle of Sailor Jerry sometime, it's about the same price as a regular captain bottle, but 92 proof and tastes better in my opinion. I'm also notorious for sailor and rootbeer. Good stuff.

Mmmmmm, so good. weekend!
Excellent choice!

I've got a 24 mix pack from the local store for 10 bucks. It's closeout season on the winter stuff, good deals to be had.

^lame. Had a wicked good frozen mudslide at margaritas Tuesday to counteract all the fire in the salsa

Magic Hat Encore.

Ty if your in NH find some Moonlight Meadery Mead. They make many kinds. The ones I've tried are awesome.

Flying Dog, "Snake Dog IPA", first time, is good, very light flavored ipa but strong kick. Not sure if better than Hopdevil
