RallyX / Ice races

I would so love to do this course some day when I have the monies. Get some pro tips, etc. I can drift my car around corners, but not consistently well. It would be nice to be able to talk it through with an instructor.
There's a bit more to it than "pro tips" and "talking it thru," you get to work with a trained driving instructor to learn what works, what doesn't and most importantly, WHY.

It continually amazes me how little value many enthusiastic drivers place on instruction, and how much $$$ they waste on mods that don't really add significant extra capabilities to their cars. Improving the driver control input software > a bigger turbo every time. Even guys like Pastrana and Block work with instructors regularly to hone their already considerable skills.

I fully understand that many ppl are reluctant to climb into a car with someone they don't know. Maybe they think the instructor is there to make them look bad, or force em to drive slower or be their Mom or wtf knows what. Well, the instructor's job is to help make you look good, OK? We're trained to asses a student's abilities, build on their strengths, and help them eliminate bad habits. If a student comes to the course already with good skills in place, we'll know pretty soon and help you build on that base. We help you develop good skills, it's up to you to provide the good judgement about when and where to apply them.

Guess what I'm saying is, going to driving school doesn't mean you seriously suck, it means you're serious about driving.

I don't see it as an insult to my skill or something to go to a driving school. I'd go in a heartbeat if I didn't just send a huge check to a college. heh. Last year I said this year, this year I'm going to start putting money away for next year for this class.

I will preface with this: I don't know you and you could be the next comming of Stig Blomqvist, but I doubt it.

Now with that said. Do the course at Tim'Os. This isn't driver's ED crap, it is performance driving on low grip surfaces. It will be well worth your $$$.
I'm not sure if you didn't read my post, or what, but I specifically said I wanted to do one of their rally schools.


And now you know a little bit about me

The town I grew up in gets more snow than any city in Maine and I've been ice racing and rallyXing for years... my comment about the winter driving school isn't out of disrespect for their program. It's based on the fact that I reviewed their site and the control techniques they list as course topics for the winter driving course are all techniques I'm very familiar and proficient with. As a result I'd rather spend my money on a more advanced course (ie. one of the rally schools). Make sense?

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I read it when you signed up. but I still don't actually know you or know anything about you other than what you put online.

The reason I said do this is because you are running with the same instructors, same courses, under the conditions that were outlined in 'ice racing' (ie: ice, snow). Coupled with your want to take one of the rally school courses, but at 10% the cost of the normal rally school.

make sense?


I'm not really looking to discuss the driving schools any further in this thread. I thought the way you suggested the school was offensive, especially considering, as you've stated, you don't know me or my history. Now that said, there are bowls of pudding with thicker skin than I have, so I'm probably over reacting :-P

Anyway, I'm not above taking a driving school as I've already alluded to, but if I'm going to invest the time and money into one, I'd like to make sure it's focussed on topics I'm interested in and at an appropriate level. I'm not convinced the winter driving school meets those criteria.

More to the point, I didn't start this thread to discuss driving schools, there's already a Team Oneil thread for that. I was just inquiring about rallyX and IceRace dates as this is my first winter in Maine and we had very active rallyX and IceRaceing scenes where I lived previously.

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I'm not really looking to discuss the driving schools any further in this thread. I thought the way you suggested the school was offensive, especially considering, as you've stated, you don't know me or my history. Now that said, there are bowls of pudding with thicker skin than I have, so I'm probably over reacting :-P

Anyway, I'm not above taking a driving school as I've already alluded to, but if I'm going to invest the time and money into one, I'd like to make sure it's focussed on topics I'm interested in and at an appropriate level. I'm not convinced the winter driving school meets those criteria.

More to the point, I didn't start this thread to discuss driving schools, there's already a Team Oneil thread for that. I was just inquiring about rallyX and IceRace dates as this is my first winter in Maine and we had very active rallyX and IceRaceing scenes where I lived previously.

1: Yeah over reacting.

2: Talk to Nigel, he is an instructor there.

3: with the warm streak it is going to be a while before there is anything going on around here (This happened the last couple years hence my pressing of TimO's). If you want winter RallyX there will be a few, Check www.NER.org for the schedule.

don't underestimate the winter school, it covers a whole lotta ground in one day. we have a number of ppl who come back to the same course year after year and each time they take home something useful.

instructors have some leeway in tailoring their approach depending on the skills a certain student brings along. the same class may have teenagers in Mom's Camry who are freaked out by the sight of ten snowflakes , and also have experienced autoxers/rallyXers in prepped STIs or Evos....it's our job to make sure they all go home with stuff they can benefit from.

and as for not 'wasting' $ on a winter course cuz you'd rather do a real rally school, that's been taken care of too. if you take the winter one day course and then do a rally school within that same year, you get the winter course fee credited toward rally school.

there's also the lil factor of how the mts of northern NH typically have a sheetload more snow than the southern locations where the winter rallyX events are held (and where most ice races maybe happen 2 winters out of 5 for same reason). not to mention that the stuff you learn at the winter skool will help a lot on gravel, too.....

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That seems pretty reasonable. If time permits this year I may check one out, especially with the tuition counting toward the rally schools. Its still not exactly what I'm after (purpose of this thread was to find an event where I could run 10/10). But given this weather it seems like it would at least be a good time.

Nigel, are you instructing at any of the schools coming up?

Pedro, how many times have you done the winter school?

Nigel, are you instructing at any of the schools coming up?
all winter courses except Feb 5, when we'll be in the Last Ditch Racing STI bouncing off snowbanks at Rallye Perce Neige in Quebec.

given your busy sched in the med biz, hope you can squeeze in a trip to NH

and as for wanting to run at 10/10s, on a winter course you'll get a whole lotta sideways action. if you don't spin out a time or two you ain't having fun enough. However, if you overdo it too much, you may get to wear the dreaded Pink Helmet....

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i think im taking the lega-sti to teamO on the 16th....

Totally off topic, but I saw your car (I'm assuming it was yours) at the gridiron a few months ago (at one of the meets) really cool setup. PERFECT winter car

If I don't end up selling the car on the 15th/16th I may do the school that weekend.

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Totally off topic, but I saw your car (I'm assuming it was yours) at the gridiron a few months ago (at one of the meets) really cool setup. PERFECT car

If I don't end up selling the car on the 15th/16th I may do the school that weekend.

Id like to go some day, maybe next year.

That seems pretty reasonable. If time permits this year I may check one out, especially with the tuition counting toward the rally schools. Its still not exactly what I'm after (purpose of this thread was to find an event where I could run 10/10). But given this weather it seems like it would at least be a good time.

Nigel, are you instructing at any of the schools coming up?

Pedro, how many times have you done the winter school?

I'll be honest with you. I have not attended the class.

I have had my fair share of hoonage on the Team O complex.

2 slots left for New England Subaru Club day at Team O, Jan 16. $295. this course is a bit more "sporty" than the normal Team O winter safe program, heh we tend to have a fair bit of tow strap work due to excess flirting with teh laws of physics.....somebody almost always earns a Pink Helmet on these days.

You will want a well prepped car with good sharp snows. Bring a shovel.

PM me for info.

how bumpy is the course? my suspension is pretty stiff
Team O crew is pretty diligent about grooming so generally course is pretty smooth. the idea is to have fun and then still be able to drive home. if there are rough bits you need to remember where they are and (gasssp!) slow down before u whack em.
