Nigel Prodrive
Dirt surfer
There's a bit more to it than "pro tips" and "talking it thru," you get to work with a trained driving instructor to learn what works, what doesn't and most importantly, WHY.I would so love to do this course some day when I have the monies. Get some pro tips, etc. I can drift my car around corners, but not consistently well. It would be nice to be able to talk it through with an instructor.
It continually amazes me how little value many enthusiastic drivers place on instruction, and how much $$$ they waste on mods that don't really add significant extra capabilities to their cars. Improving the driver control input software > a bigger turbo every time. Even guys like Pastrana and Block work with instructors regularly to hone their already considerable skills.
I fully understand that many ppl are reluctant to climb into a car with someone they don't know. Maybe they think the instructor is there to make them look bad, or force em to drive slower or be their Mom or wtf knows what. Well, the instructor's job is to help make you look good, OK? We're trained to asses a student's abilities, build on their strengths, and help them eliminate bad habits. If a student comes to the course already with good skills in place, we'll know pretty soon and help you build on that base. We help you develop good skills, it's up to you to provide the good judgement about when and where to apply them.
Guess what I'm saying is, going to driving school doesn't mean you seriously suck, it means you're serious about driving.