RallyX / Ice races

Oil is killing me too! Our heat is literally 5 times more than our last place... I miss natural gas!

roughly 75 gallons a winter used here.....k1 monitor heater...haha nigel...spectators allowed???

Your car all set Reid? Ill be giving mine a good going over and oil change tmrw, lmk if you need a warm place to check anything out.

Your car all set Reid? Ill be giving mine a good going over and oil change tmrw, lmk if you need a warm place to check anything out.

Car should be all set to go, I could probably throw some fresh oil in it though. Shoot me a message at (906)-370-4819 and we can figure out a game plan for tomorrow! I'm just bringing my wifes WRX so all I really need to do is give it a quick cleaning out

My car is not gravel/rough road friendly...

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nigel...spectators allowed???
I asked the same question about the winter safety school since there were going to be a couple peeps from here heading up. Sent Team O'Neil an inbox and they say that spectating is allowed, just need to sign a wavier (dunno what that is all about but I'm pretty good at waving...
). Thinking that spectating the winter driving wouldn't be as cool as a rally event but it's not that far for me, it would still be something fun to do. I'll be bringing my camera and tele lens to get some practice in of my own! Hope to get some cool pics to share...

A few people stuffed their cars pretty good (no major damage) so it might have actually been fun to watch. All in all a fun day of driving though. Good to see Dave and Mike again too!
