Recommend me a new DD

If anything it has more HP (on paper) than I need, if anything a C30 would be too fast (again, you've driven one, and I haven't). I have a heavy enough foot in the RS, I don't need a lot of power. High 20's MPG is good enough for me. I'm a cherokee owner, so the MPG bar is low.

my bro in law has been driving his C30 since they first came out. got 60-some k on it now, he loves it. very few probs with the car except for a couple traffic tickets (but he's a lawyer so these are less hassle for him than for most of us)

I've driven it several times, it scoots. C30 suspension tuning is a bit soft for my liking, but then again I get kinda tired of the skateboard ride of the RS too. Not sure about gas mileage, I think he gets mid-20s and it wants premium fuel too.

for the price of a lightly used C30, you could buy 3.5 Focus SVTs.

So, I will start by admitting that I haven't followed this thread thoroughly. I skim it periodically.


No sarcasm!! I am seriously interested now.

I have been scheming about RWD sedans. The Infinity G35 would probably give WRXes up to 07 a run for their money. It's just too bad that Nissan didn't put RWD in any Nissans... The 3.5L engine in the Maximas and I believe Altimas as well is out of the 350z and makes more than enough power to have fun. Since I have been driving my parents cars (both with the 3.5L V6), I have already found that I can't use as much throttle from a stand still as I'm used to in my dinky Subaru.

I have been scheming about RWD sedans. The Infinity G35 would probably give WRXes up to 07 a run for their money. It's just too bad that Nissan didn't put RWD in any Nissans... The 3.5L engine in the Maximas and I believe Altimas as well is out of the 350z and makes more than enough power to have fun. Since I have been driving my parents cars (both with the 3.5L V6), I have already found that I can't use as much throttle from a stand still as I'm used to in my dinky Subaru.

the "Z" series cars are all rear wheel drive, 300zx, 350z, and 370z to name a few and also including the 240sx

Yeah, ok, but I meant their [slightly] more affordable cars. Sentra (don't care about RWD in this), Altima, and Maxima.


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