SiF Motorsports. A shitty legacy, nearly 10 years of RS racing turned rally car. Bonus jeep and mustnag junk

Knocked out another today. Coming along nicely.


And look how long these studs are..... I'm jealous. Ha


Some much needed parts showed up today. Going to bring the box to Evergreen tomorrow for some extra love then finally get this stupid thing rolling again.

Right now it is dead in the water with no brakes in the folks yard. The control arm bolt stripped so chris took it to a machine shop to fix.

We also have a cross threaded control arm mount bolt that needs to be dealt with tomorrow.

Last weekend was pretty much a bust, so I'm hopping by saturday night I have this thing on new knuckles/hubs/brakes with gravels to test slut some roads.

Test weekend is july 6-7. Promo vid gets made then too.


Today went much better than last week.

3 sheets of LDPE.


What ever I destroy on shakedown will be replaced with HDPE.

Dad worked on making the hood scoop blockoff plate look less stupid:


STi arms in on both sides after a machine shop had to fix one.


The wheel studs and my 2ner lugs are the same length.


In the last two weekends:

boxed trailing arms
new knuckles with new wheel bearings, hubs, and ARP wheel studs
STi alu control arms
steering lock disabled
electronic lock disabled
paint on everything now that car is log booked
fresh e-brake assembly

Next weekend is full brake job and under armor then the car is pretty much done.

Should probably update this.

NEFR sucessful, read the Recap thread in the rally section.


stuff that needs to be done for next year:

  • Refresh cooling system, possibly upgrade radiator
  • Upgrade skidplate mounts
  • delete extraneous abs stuff
  • move wiring harness inboard of fenders + delete a few wiring groups
  • downgrade the lateral link bushings from poly to group n or stock
  • roof scoop
  • replace dying AC fan clutch
  • move triangles to different area in car
  • new alt
  • new batt
  • real suspension
  • pin jacks
  • won 100 dollars from grimmspeed, might get the phenolic spacers or might just order a ton of gaskets since I use them in the shop all the time
I might bring the car to some ricer shows or I might throw it under a car cover until rallyx starts up in February, haven't decided.


Fixed the ABS light issue. Fixed the CEL issue.

Need to re-top hat the rear struts, fronts are fine after tightening the top hat nut down.

Need to do the body work on the rear arches. It's half assed but I want to get it cleaned up.

Probably going to sell this in the spring for a legacy wagon project. I can't carry tires or junkyard run stuff in the sedan.


Fuel lines and tank are going back in soon. Chassis bracing and suspension is done. Last weekend we took care of the rust.

I'm hoping to wire and fire it soon. Run the stock 5.0 and T5 for a bit before swapping in the built stuff.

CJ/XJ project

We have a 95 cherokee and a 72 CJ 5. We're going to rip the 258 carb'd POS out of the CJ and drop in the XJ's 4.0 efi setup in, turn key jeep + crush the rest of the cherokee. I'm estimating that will take 3 weekends.

I literally LOL'd when I read the to-do list for the rally car. In case ya didn't know, it appears you have Rally Disease, and it's a pretty bad case. You're welcome!

I literally LOL'd when I read the to-do list for the rally car. In case ya didn't know, it appears you have Rally Disease, and it's a pretty bad case. You're welcome!
Yep, it goes further back than that. During the dark period of autox days I still had to do lists, they were just shorter because parking lot racing is easy.

I always need to be busy on something, and working on cars or career projects keep me occupied.

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Hell you saw the list on the garage wall for Tracey's impreza after OTR 2012.  I really have to erase that and start adding Miata to-do's.

I say either get the AC working or put in roof scoop. Is the plan for the scoop just to open it when the engine overheats?

I say either get the AC working or put in roof scoop. Is the plan for the scoop just to open it when the engine overheats?
I have AC working and ran it all NEFR. If I upgrade the car cooling system I can run it all weekend without temp spikes, although I should learn to leave it off.

After a certain outside temp it fails to be helpful. The roof scoop is to keep air flowing into the car, because as soon as you shut air off it gets HOT fast.

Due to the lack of sound deadening and insulation the car heatsoaks REALLLLYYYY bad. The AC works perfectly fine, it just can't keep up. It wasn't designed for that. Fan on high just doesn't cut it. Even in my car driving on the highway in the summer, the fans on high don't keep me cool.

What if you ran a hose into the helmet and fire suit. Doesn't have to cool the car just the driver and co driver. Kinda like NASCAR cool box

Did a bunch of crap today:

Did some work today.

While waiting for mustang gas tank stuff to dry, I took apart subaru switches to write about for a local guy who has some dead bulbs and wants to replace them.

Good news.

I took apart spare switches for you today.


Fog light switch. You don't have to take them apart to get the bulbs out, I just wanted to see how these things worked.


These bulbs twist lock into the side of the switch.


You use a screwdriver to undo them, then figure out a way to pry them out (I used extra lock wire)


The heated seat switches look like that. There is a tall bulb and a short one. You undo the switch at the bottom and slide the assembly out.


The light bulb assembly just slides off.

Now as for replacing them, there is a part # you can get at radioshack. I found it on SLi-net, but cannot for the life of me find the damn thread. You have actually have to remove the bulb and little leads and put a new one.

I am not doing that. I plan to just rib out all the bulbs out of switches I find, then test them with my jump pack and put good ones in my car. Someone smart may know of an LED replacement or something, but I don't like spending money on my boring DD.
Then worked on the mustang.

Tank back together with new pump.

Getting ready to do the lower control arms and reinstall the tank + inline pump.


Old arms out, new ones in along with new springs.


Maximum motorsports roll/harness bar:


Looking like a car again, hoping to fire the stock 5.0 next weekend:


After that I worked on the legacy for two seconds using black RTV to fix a window seal + replace the third brakelight bulb that has been dead since I got the car (even passed inspection last year whoops), with one I found in the Mustang #2 shell.

Legacy needs to pass inspection: windshield, reinstall fender liner, swap tires because one of mine has a sidewall bubble. Also need to do front CV axles because they shake at cold idle + one of them has a torn boot.

Then I worked on the bench tester.





Cut the starter corner off a bad transmission with a sawzall. Then started to try and ID some of the harness. My ECU is missing and two other people have touched this thing so I have parts missing of the main fuse in engine bay fuse block :|

WTF is this thing:


Nissan door relay that is in the fist full of wires down one leg of the loom I labelled "useless door raisin"


Mystery brown plug that goes to stuff in the engine bay? It connects to the engine bay fuse block


Radio connector + other center console crap probably? I'm sure it can all be deleted, but I want to ID every connector before I start deleting circuits.


Illumination controller? Probably don't need this:


I've only stripped a few sections that I've ID'd and just cut the loom back:


Pretty sure these three go to the now missing ECU.


These are on the engine harness. I know the two little ones are reverse and neutral transmission switches, but the big one and the 3 pin I'm not sure of. Big one is probably transmission or something.


I'll actually sit with a service manual and look at more stuff next weekend. The bigger issue is that I'm missing fuse block stuff.

Stuff I still need:




fuel lines

dig out engine stand

figure out harness better

fab exhaust


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