SpinmasterT's 2.2l turbo swap

Here's a question to all you mechanical/repair people.

We've had hell of a time figuring out the wiring for the new engine, since some of the plugs were different, etc.

So about an hour ago
we cut both harnesses 5" before ECUs. The Impreza is keeping it's stock bulkhead and front harnesses, and what we have in mind is to match up the wires from Leggy ECU plug to the corresponding wires on the Imp harness and add whatever wires need for the turbo ECU.

??? In theory it should be just fine, but we'll see.

PS: Stupid thing we ran into. When we first started matching up wires, a couple lined up and the we started having little problems finding a matching pair, turns out we were looking at the pinout the wrong way. Duh :-[

PPS: Gabe, I fixed the black probe on your multimeter.

that's why when i do my swap im calling up ECS and writing them a check. MAD props for atempting it yourself. if you get into trouble i've heard that the guys at ECS are good people and could probaly help you out. i guess the guy can do a rs to wrx harness splice in 3 hours with no diagrams

Needless to say this project has taken much longer then anyone thought it would! Where hoping that the wiring will be completed shortly.

Needless to say this project has taken much longer then anyone thought it would! Where hoping that the wiring will be completed shortly.
Not anyone. I think a couple people warned of it taking a lot longer then you guys were thinking, me included. Car projects always take longer and cost more then you think. But it looks like a bast. Keeping up the good work. And it definitely wouldn't hurt to call ECS and at least see if they can give you can advice.

It's coming together, slowly, but getting there. IF we had 2 FULL days to do it, it would've been running by now. We got wiring diagrams for both cars, and after a crash course on how to read them, they dont look nearly as complicated
3 out of 4 Leggy ECU connectors are matched up to the Imp wiring, 1 left to go and then a big tracing test to see if crap lines up
After that, the easy part...

It looks like someone spilled a pot of colored spagetti on the floor. Holy smoke! I wish these guys worked late. I usually get free'd up at home just about the time they get done >

Gerry did a fantastic job on the crossmember.

Needless to say this project has taken much longer then anyone thought it would! Where hoping that the wiring will be completed shortly.
Not anyone. I think a couple people warned of it taking a lot longer then you guys were thinking, me included. Car projects always take longer and cost more then you think. But it looks like a bast. Keeping up the good work. And it definitely wouldn't hurt to call ECS and at least see if they can give you can advice.

i knew it would take forever.

Well thanks for all the ecouragement guys! The only reason it's taking so long is because for one reason or another I need to leave sooner than later .. well that and the fact that it literally just sat there for almolst 4 days while we looked at it thinking what would be the best way to do the wiring. I finished soldering the last connector tonight, except for a few wires that we need to figure out. On the Impreza harness, all the ECU wires are on the bulkhead harness with one plug, and on the legacy there are 4 plugs, 3 on the bulkhead harness, 1 on the front harness. We cut the front harness part out, and because of the location of the plugs on the engine, we need to lengthen them ... should be easy though. Lobstah's helped a HELL of a lot, I'd still be lost if he wasn't there to help. I'm hoping by this weekend, it'll be running, so wish me luck

Oh, and what the hell is with all the negative karma? lol I've barely been on the forum and it's almost doubled from the ungodly amount it was before! Thanks guys! :-* >

everything looked like it was going pretty smooth when i went by for the amount of time you've spent on it 8)


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