SpinmasterT's 2.2l turbo swap

Me too :'( But to evilaspie: If I didn't start it when I did, it wouldn't be done for at LEAST another couple months .. so I'm glad I started when I did :-*

motor is now bolted in with half the stuff reattached.starting to look more like a car again 8)

I think it's just about done ... I soldered in the diode to keep the ecu on a lil while after the car is shut off .. and all the required lengthening is done. I have everything grouped together that goes to each individual area (motor, ecu, fuse box), there are like 3 more wires I want to check on, and then I think it's good to go .. going to test it tomorrow, and maybe even hook it up! I CAN'T WAIT :-D

the wiring harness is in and is attached to the engine tyler started to pick up the pace once he seen it was coming together >

Alright .. I need some help. Power is working, engine cranks .. but when I turn the key to the on position, I hear no fuel pump. Everything that would need to be plugged is, as far as I know and power is going to the relay, but not leaving the relay to the pump ... I've tryed two different relays .. nothing .. Idea's anyone?

Did you test the pump? Or at least the wires going to it? If you can't access the wires, test the wires leaving the relay?

Are your fuses all good? Check both the under hood fuses and the in-cabin fuses.

Yeah, I've checked fuses .. and wires coming out of relay as well as wires going in to rear harness .. I should be testing for voltage, yes?

for someone smarter than me....but in my Saab I could short the wires and make the pump run is there a way to do that on the Imp?

Check for power before relay, if there is voltage, check power after relay. If there is no power after relay then relay is bad or hooked up wrong. Recheck wiring diagram for relay wiring. If there is power after relay check power at the pump, if no power at pump then there is a break in the line. If you have power at pump and pump no worky then you know power is hooked up wrong or pump is no good. Are you grounded well?

AIM Diagnostics FTW! ;D

Turns out that T has a bad ground wire (PIN #3 in diagram)


He created a new wire to test this possibility. Now he needs to trace #3 wire to see where the problem is happening. Always try to re-use the stock wiring whenever possible, so that you don't have random wires attached to random body panels.

* for the record... I didn't read your post until I came to post mine.

Not so fast, guys. Either the ECU has a problem, or there is a crossed wire somewhere. Most likely a crossed wire, since the ECU was working fine in the previous car.

Basically, the "ground wire" that appears faulty for the fuel pump relay, is actually working just fine right up to the ECU (carrying a current, so there is no pinch or split). So it seems the ECU is the part responsible for carrying the ground for this wire. Am I right?

Also, T said the plugs aren't sparking...

What do you mean "not so fast". What do you think I'm going to figure out? Maybe the fuel pump system is fine, It just ain't priming 'cause it's already full-o-fuel. Spark may be the only issue.

Like I said, I'm going to start it up.


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