
Wrb hawkeye? Sti on broadway in Bangor today. Can't beat wrb on gold.
YAYYYY theres a 90 percent chance that was me!!! i was visiting my gf at husson university

ok i just have a question ive seeing a couple of post where people tag other people. what exactlly is taging some one and how do u tag someone?

Did ya see the front end? WHAM! Its going to Hillside on Wednesday, let them make it all shiny again. So ya, I see old people in Subies all the time! Consider yourself spotted you old ladies and gentleman! No offense to ANY of our older members, cause we all know they are cooler than sliced bread.

Spotted Aspen2.5RS again this a.m., saw a hint of a dent in the front. Also finally got a wave and a rev......twice, from HR Radness!! Spotted another WRB bugeye WRX wagon in Rockport today as well. And on the way to park the work truck, I saw 987687 in the GL on route 1 in Warren, and man when I see that thing driving down the road, I miss it!!!

I thought that was you I waved to!

I waved at by two different orange trucks, so I figured one of them had to be you!

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Spotted and talked to HR Radness today!! Good to talk to you, and the car is lookin and soundin great!!

I see a blue 2.5rs with a dent on the drivers rear all the time at Maine Maritime. Usually parked out by security. Also see a newer blue impreza in camden sitting in traffic. Last one i remember is an 08 silver impreza that i met really close. I don't think the woman drving that one is on here. If any of you have seen a 90s green coupe with a black hood and NER rallyx and Grassroots stickers on the back window that's me.

I was in Augusta the other day and was behind an SUV with a plate that said something like "RD RUNNAH" Isn't that someone on here?

I see a blue 2.5rs with a dent on the drivers rear all the time at Maine Maritime. Usually parked out by security. Also see a newer blue impreza in camden sitting in traffic. Last one i remember is an 08 silver impreza that i met really close. I don't think the woman drving that one is on here. If any of you have seen a 90s green coupe with a black hood and NER rallyx and Grassroots stickers on the back window that's me.
I've seen the blue MMA one.

My sister goes there with her bright LOVEoff green jeep wrangler. Her bf just picked up a hawk eye WRB wrx, completely unmolested.


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