
Did some christmas shoppin and a nice red legacy parked next to me at walmart in Rockland with hella lights, looked familiar from this site but tagged anyways with my user name.

That it was!
saw the rex and had we to back in next to it!
It was looking nice man!

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Yea the RS is still wrinkly, still awaiting on Hillside Collision to get everything in. Should be going in the shop today or tomorrow, and I best have it back before Xmas... lol. Just got some brand new tires on it yesterday, what a huge difference from the Falkens that I was using. I can't wait for a little snow to go play around.

Spotted a white pre-'2002 coupe/sedan with a couple of young dudes in it going northbound on 295. I think I may have revved near you, but I can't remember. I was just trying to keep up with those coupl'a Chevy trucks and a Ford Ranger

I was kind of dissapointed. I stood on route 1 in woolwich for over an hour and didn't see any nice subies. If anyone did go through and got a light in their eyes I'm sorry. I was directing you away from the accident.

Saw a brand spanking new STI down at the Maine Rock Gym. I was drooling over it for a good 5 minutes. Then just saw a silver WRX sedan on the 95 north bound. I was trying to get you to play with me, maybe the Leggy is too much of a sleeper.

Someone tagged me and my co-worker at the Time Warner parking lot in Portland.

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spotted gclark on mt auburn ave from my wicked purdy orange truck this morning. then spotted me in my forester for the first time in a month and a half. $1100 later i have a low mileage tranny and a new cv shaft

spotted MikeD in Augusta, also Airx at charles wholesale also Adam91 to get some rims for kennys car

spotted gclark on mt auburn ave from my wicked purdy orange truck this morning. then spotted me in my forester for the first time in a month and a half. $1100 later i have a low mileage tranny and a new cv shaft
Yay I was spotted! Were you in the trucks getting loaded up with sand?

Yep, I saw RaysRS driving into one of the Charlie's lots in of the few cars that can pull of the windscreen banner! Looking good!

Yep, I saw RaysRS driving into one of the Charlie's lots in of the few cars that can pull of the windscreen banner! Looking good!
thank you!! they have nissan GTR in there! your car looks awesome with those white rims, all together you wagon is sharp! also love the plate!

dark new style WRX Sedan was "getting on it" with me on the way home from the bullmoose/wal-mart area in scarborough all the way down past O'donals nursery and then they took a right toward gorham...

I was in the loud debadged black wingless STi in front of you... and no, I wasn't drunk, I was eating drive-thru.

Every time I had to correct my steering I was thinking "Damnit, that person probably things I'm challenged.


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