
Seen a very bright Arrest Me Red SVX in Rockland yestiddy. License plate = FUTRCAR. Pulled alongside and beeped, not much response, I think he thought I was trying to cut him off

one of my clients has a green SVX, I know he's not on here cuz I axed him. midcoast peeps may have seen his blonde partner driving it, they make quite the pair!

also get the hi five from Bratman, he and crew in large orange trucks were cutting sumac tangles on roadside of Rt One in Rklnd

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Spotted a newer Silver Forester with a Mainly Subarus sticker on rt 1 in Scarborough. Did not notice till the light turned green, looked nice..

Seen a very bright Arrest Me Red SVX in Rockland yestiddy. License plate = FUTRCAR. Pulled alongside and beeped, not much response, I think he thought I was trying to cut him off

I've seen this car quite a few times!

there also used to be a 80s brat that would drive around. it was green and gold has anyone seen this?

I saw a silver 04-05 Blobeye WRX on my tail from Manchester in to Augusta this morning on Western Ave. Came up behind me outa nowhere, then when I noticed him I gave it a little gas and accidentally put a truck between us. They dissapeared somewhere around the dealerships. Nice lookin car, anyone one here?

Seen a very bright Arrest Me Red SVX in Rockland yestiddy. License plate = FUTRCAR. Pulled alongside and beeped, not much response, I think he thought I was trying to cut him off

one of my clients has a green SVX, I know he's not on here cuz I axed him. midcoast peeps may have seen his blonde partner driving it, they make quite the pair!

also get the hi five from Bratman, he and crew in large orange trucks were cutting sumac tangles on roadside of Rt One in Rklnd
Awesome, I was hoping you would realize it was me. Car looks awesome!!!

Saw a silver fozzy xt with lights and yellow fog film on 295 today.

Also saw FRC FED or what ever the LOVE his user name is also on 295.

I was setting land speed records in my sisters bright LOVEoff green Jeep Wrangler.

I think I need to move to bangor to get spotted...

I've seen this car quite a few times!

there also used to be a 80s brat that would drive around. it was green and gold has anyone seen this?

haven't seen any of those but i have driven by yer ride a few times parked in rockland. Tagged it with an LDR hero card once this summer before i figured out who u were

Saw Aspen 2.5 RS with the wrinkly front end pulling out by chickawakee the other day

I know this is completely off topic but i wasnt sure wear to post it. I just got pulled over for going 90 in a 45 and the cop said i was losing my license and getting up to a 1k ticket! does anyone know how long u lose your license for for crimanl speeding? or does the judge let u know.

Why were you going 90 in a 45 anyways???? Goodluck in court, I'd imagine you could lose it longer depending on your record.

on fri on my way to work around 430is pm i saw a blue wrx on minot ave near roys hamburgers all smashed up in the front, dont know if it was a head on or what but it was a very depressing sight
i hope the driver is ok though. and when i was best buy (my work) there was a 2005 or 2006 black sti i believe parked right in front of mine i found the guy and we talked for a couple min, it was great
Thennn yesterday there was a new 2011 wrx parked at the ski and bike store on center st. and also i wana say there was a black wrx hatch that passed me on center st. yesterday to. What a fun filled weekend

waved and received a wave from an older woman in an 04-05 wrb wrx hatch on mann hill rd in holden about 30-45 minutes ago.

also been seeing subyasaurus rex around too

i saw a white 06 sti with red rally armor flaps pull up to the village kitchen in poland spring when i was about to leave, we talked for a couple min told him about the sight hopefully he joins us.


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