The Eric Benson Memorial Dirt Drive - November 28th

I have to drive almost two and a half hours. And my car is loud and doesn't have cruise control... haha. An hour is nothing.

pick me up??

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If anyone wants to meet up, I'll meet up with anybody between Damariscotta and Milford. I'm probably going to be taking 220 the whole way though. So along that route...

Hey Rob, you think a fwd VW could do this? My friend was going to ride with me, but now he wants to take his car. He's got meaty all seasons on. Too rough?

yeah a VW is fine...there isn't any real rock crawling, or monster mud pits.. i need to know before monday. i am printing books and dont want to come up short.

I'm ready and raring! Never done this before so just in case, I'm bringing MRE's, blasting caps, Sherpa guides, the Donner party biography and a spare monster truck in the back just in case anything goes awry.

See you there!

I'm super excited to do this drive! Hopefully it won't snow too much up there. I'm betting that my co-driver will have to bail, so I may have an empty seat...we'll see.

My front seat is still open!! Somebody knows they want to ride in a 22 year old car!! With a 20 year old behind the wheel

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