The unofficial GUN talk thread

Keep or give back, there are no other options, I'm suck with half a dozen guns in similar situations
yup. I have a 1906 1894 that hace a mooncrater bore. and a rem mod 8 withdrilled out out for side scope. I also have a 60-70's marlin mod 60 with one of the worst triggers ever. all thanks to my dad, who enjoys firearms but did not take care of them. the first two wre clogged with dust/grime when I got them. j
I'll give it back so my brother can give it to one of his kids. I also have about 500 baseball cards from the 1970s I need to give to my other brother's kid.

At one time I was going to fully restore the Enfield. I had the wood looking good and metal was always good. After a year of sitting more and more cosmoline has leached out of the wood again and looks like poop again. Basically it needs to be torn down again and washed in the dish washer 2-3 more times so all the cosmoline raises to the surface and gets washed off. My wife said no more gun parts in the dish washer.

Oh the drama. Now my son wants it or wants me to keep the Enfield.

Dish washers are nice especially when they make the water supah hot.

Jamey I would but I just got something and I'm shut off from any new toys until my son graduates(4yrs) or I start making a lot more money (anyone need head gaskets done cheap?).

Heres a snazzy 10-22.


My dream 10-22 would be just like stainless's.
His has a bull barrel and a Hogue stock to match the bull barrel diameter...except my Hogue stock would be OD Green. Id personally avoid the ArchAngel kits. They feel wicked cheezy to me. Nick at EG made one of these stocks

shot it and its tons of fun but you're limited to useless sights or a red dot. His has a cheapo red dot. The Muzzlelite is not a drop in kit, but its an easy job for the mechanically inclined. The lower handle needs some shaving so the banana clips work in it. Also, there are Tommy Gun kits available now as well as M1 Carbine kits for the 10/22s.


Heres a huge selection

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Completed another 3 gun match today. Seems like I done much better, hoping for a top ten. This event was a ton of fun. One stage we sat in the back of a truck and shot targets while driving down the trail. Simple, creative for a competition, challenging, mad sick fun!! Other stages were typical 3 gun. Knock downs, flyers, double tap the cardboard. Now I got some sh*t to clean!

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See the news tonight? People calling to ban assault type weapons. Just because of that shooting. If he hadn't used an ar he could have grabbed any other semi auto rifle. Dumbass politicians

A psycho murdered all those people, not an Ar15. The sooner people realize our society is producing more and more psychos, and do something about psychos, the sooner the mass murders stop.

Kittery trading post is usually a sure bet.

Kennebec guns in augusta sometimes has some deals... sometimes.

also, uncle henrys has a guns section, sometimes theres good deals there as well.

I've got a Glock 22 gen 3 rtf for sale for 375.00 if you're interested.

it's .40sw and comes with 3 mags and a stainless steel guiderod and spring.

pm me if you're interested.


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