The unofficial GUN talk thread

I tried listing it on uncle henrys a while ago, no one wanted it, it's been for sale for about 2 months now, and i need the money to buy head gaskets for my outback.

plus, i bought a s&w bodygaurd for my cc piece.

I wasn't carrying the glock enough to warrant keeping it right now.

I'll probably get another one once i've got my car situation taken care of.

I'll only sell it through an FFL, just a heads up.


that's a good idea. Transfers are only $20 and 15 minutes. Permit holders already have an extensive back ground check. I'd swap you a head gasket job if my wife would let me work for merchandise.

How about a badge?

sorry guys, pretty sure I've got it sold.

Thanks for the interest though.

on another note, anyone had any experience with the new beretta nano's?

I checked it out a couple times at a couple different places while I was shopping for little things. To me it felt top heavy with a long but smooth trigger travel but it was nice and thin. Being a Beretta it probably functions great. I've never had one going at the range. The Nano, Kahr CW9 and CW40 and CM9 and CM40, Taurus slim 709 and 740, Kel-tec PF9, and S&W 638 were all being considered when I was shopping around. I'm sure you'd like the Nano. I got the Kahr CW45. It felt right for me.

Well I finally dug my first ever gun out of the closet. It's a Marlin Ducks Unlimited .22lr bolt action rifle. Bought this little beauty with my dad's help back when I was 12. Worked a bunch one summer and saved up. Loved this little gun. Took it out now almost 20 years later and decided to give it an update.

Pulled off the $7 bbgun scope. It was all I could afford at 12, and added a 4x power Bushnell. And then added a bipod. Been having a blast taking back out my first gun and finding new enjoyment with it. It drives tacks at 50yrds and been putting it on steel targets at about 200 yards.


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I really like that stock. Sharp! My brother has the synthetic ver. of that. They do puts holes inside the same holes. I'd love to spend a day with one of those at the range or off the back deck.

Should have posted yesterday when I found out, but running deer and possibly trap shoot at lake thompson fish & game in oxford today

It Was canceled, shot trap and .22s at dads instead. I shoot my sr22 just as good as he shots the mkii target :-)


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