The unofficial GUN talk thread

Thanks. It will probably go on Uncle Henrys in a week or so. Technically its my son's gun but I bought it for him and he wants to sell his Savage Edge/Axis 30-06 also and get a high end hunting rifle. However, he likes my Marlin 30-30 so we might trade the Savage and Marlin but I have to give him a week or so to change his mind, he's 18 years old, they do that.

My Kahr CW45 review and experiences:

So, after much research, friendly advice from Nate, and many gun store visits to handle it, I got a Kahr CW45. I got it at Cabelas, their online price was better than in-store price and they honored the online price. Their price was the best by $25 than all the other stores I visited. I chose the CW over the CM because of the grip frame length. The CWs are a bit more normal and full size. The CMs have a shorter grip resulting in pinky over hang. Personal preference. The CW45 has a barrel length a whisker longer than the CW9 and CW40, so overall the CW45 is a smidgen bigger than it's CW brothers. Despite it's slightly larger dimensions it still fits in my pocket. Its a single stack so its very thin. The thinness aids in IWB all day carry as well as ankle carry. This thing just feels very good in the hands. Due to the weight addition of 6 rounds of .45acp you'd better not wear shorts without a belt whether its in your pocket or IWB. Its a heavy hunk of metal dragging your britches down.

Break-in. Kahr suggests 200 round of break in. During the first range visit I had several failure to ejects and stove pipes using Herters Select Brass FMJs. I stopped after about 50 rounds. Recoil was brisk but manageable. Trigger has a long travel but light DAO. During clean up I noticed a bit of plastic shavings along the slide area. I cycled the slide about 100 times and hit the range again.

150+ rounds this time:

This time I got different issues. Using Winchester white box FMJs, Federal FMJs, and Fiocchi JHP the FTEs seem to be gone except for one or two. Now the gun wont go into battery about every 3rd or 4th round. The slide would hang up and stop about a quarter inch before fully closed. I cycled the slide a few dozen times and went at it again. The FMJs started working and cycling well just about every time. The hollow points got hung up feeding frequently and continued the failure to close battery issue. I noticed the FMJs have a bevel on the back of the rim, and the Fiocchi HPs did not have that bevel. So I ran thru some more ammo. When shooting rapidly the the gun worked well with the FMJs every time. The failure to go into battery occurred about once per magazine with the hollow points.

Now I'm beyond the break in period. Clean up revealed more tiny bits of shaved plastic but no abnormal fatigue or metal wear. I want to measure the hollow points to see if they're slightly fatter. I feel I have a selective ammo problem. There are reports on the web with the same issue I'm having. The older (2009 and 2010) issues of parts falling off that have been reported seemed to have been fixed by Kahr. The gun is very accurate. The problem of small gun, big caliber, short barrel is not an excuse to use with this puppy, its dead on right out of the box. Next I'll try Hornady and Black Hills hollow points and see if performance improves. Stay tuned.

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Sorry you are having issues Inski. Before I even hit the range with mine I cycled the slide about 200-250 times, then oiled it. I've never had a FTF or FTE. For a while you might get plastic shavings off the frame. That's normal. The slide in no way slides on those during shooting. They are there to help you line the slide back up during reassembly. But the CW/CM series (for the price) had been known to be a bit sharper in areas on the slide. It has way less machining on the slide then the PM series.

Hope you can get it ironed out. Glad it's feeding all FMJ rounds. If you just need to stick with a certain HP round that wouldn't be the worse issue I suppose.

Might have found an ok deal on a G27, there are several in Uncle Henrys. I was trying to find a 30 or 36 but they really aren't out there as much unless I want to go new. Plus it sounds like the 27 is slimmer than the 30 at least, and the 36 is a bit of an oddball with a small payload. Anyone tried out a G27? Looking for a CCW gun still...

The Fiocchi hollow points are indeed fatter. 2-3 hundredths fatter depending where I measure on the case. I can see a bulge of the bullet thru the brass on an unfired round. So, its def an ammo issue, and maybe brand new needs a little more break in chamber tightness in the Kahr. Hopefully Hornady or Black Hills or even Remington Goldens will be the solution.

Good news is my Para 1911 eat up everything. No matter what I fed it it liked it. Starting to get the 1911 mod bug.

a freind of myne just got a windam weaponry ar and slapped a eotech on it. shot great. we were getting 3-4" groups 100yrds from the bench. more due to the sight. I was getting same size groups from my sks with iron sights. I swapped out the front pin for s finer one. I also took out my k31 swiss straightpul boltgun. it shoots 1-3" at 100 depending on ammo.

Did some AR shooting with Garrett this morning. Had a good time. Think his Windham Weaponry needs some trigger work. My Geissele made his look bad.

So if anyone is intrested I'm a member of Hollis buxton gun club and I have access to there range , I can rent it for few hours I can find out price if any one intrested. Has 25 50 100 yard and I believe 150 yrd range I can go for free and allowed 3 guests

Sold the Mosin Scout for my son. Traded my Marlin for my son's Savage Edge/Axis 30-06 with a nice Redfield on top. This will be the gun I literally drop a deer with. All the others ran for 20-30 yards when hitting them with the 30-30. Yeah, I'm excited for November.

So who is going to the Augusta gun showthis wknd? Im going to the one in bangor on the 8th and 9th.

Anyone selling any snubby 357?

here are some crappy pics of half my collection.


and here is my very own privet range.


ps, as much as i'd like to trick my ride out.....buying anew gun is better...IMO

this is my carry gun. Yes i have my ccw permit.


this is a 44sp...a lot of stopping power with tremendious internal damage. The loads i have send fragments in the body and bullet comes to a screaching hault inside the body.

Did a little project today. Decided to take the Glock factory +2 baseplates that came installed on my rarely used (read: never used) 33 round stick magazines, and swap them onto 2 of my Glock 17 magazines. I think the 2 extra rounds come in more handy in a 17 round magazine then they did in a 33 round magazine. I now have (2) 19 round mags and (2) 31 rounders.



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Cool set up Viago!

I like that nate!

I did another USPSA pistol match yesterday. My worst match yet. Several issues kept me out of the top of the pack for Production class.

1) Lack of practice and skipping a few matches. Dry fire practice was only done once, I should have done it a hundred times.

2) Caveman gun, big, bulky, chunky, DA-SA trigger. Ruger P95 doesn't do anything great except go bang every time.

3) Lack of experience on the Texas star and Swingers had me doing some hardcore struggling to get hits.

4) Listening and remembering stage procedures got me a Procedural or 3 the very first stage. 3-4 zeros kills your score quick!

5) Weak hand is, well, weak for me. Might as well be shooting with my left foot. Again, practice would have helped a lot.

So guys and girls. Let that be a lesson to you! Don't let them firearms sit in your safe. Get them out and use them!

A plus note, I got to see a P90 bullpup in action. SICK!! Theres another one for the bucket list for sure.

No more slide bite!!! I finally caved and bought some grip force adapters for my Glock. I shoot with such a high tang grip that I usually come home from shooting missing some of my thumb knuckle. I was surprised to see the pack came with 2 adapters instead of only one that I thought I was buying. A smooth one and a textured one. I put the smooth one on my Glock 17 and with a heat gun managed to fit one to my Glock 21sf. That gun always cheese grated my knuckle too. Love these little things. Need to go try them out.






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