The unofficial GUN talk thread

jason, check out the ruger gunsite scout. bolt action .308 with ten round external mags

maniac, i can't like that enough!
Damn, that does look and sound like a nice gun. It is more than I am looking to spend though. But I may have to keep it in mind.

If you go smaller, you can get the mossberg MVP.  It takes AR-15 mags (.223).  From the sounds of it, people like it quite a bit.

Up in arms in windham
It'd be great to find somewhere closer to me. According to online, Cabelas has them as well. I can't decide which one I want though.The Varmint, or the Predator. The Varmint comes with a scope, and bipod which is nice, but it has the bench rest style stock. The Predator doesn't come with those, has a sporter style stock and is obviously is cheaper without the scope and bipod.

Well don't live in the woods

So assuming you had a G23 which conversion would be better .357 sign or 9mm?
No question... 9mm.

Your G23 is already set up to shoot a nice defensive (high pressure) round.  To me the only reason for a conversion would be to make it cheaper to shoot.  Swapping to 9mm fills that bill.  I'm not sure I would recommend carrying a gun with a conversion barrel in it.  Most will say they may cause occasional malfunctions.  While in training or non life threatening scenarios this is just fine, I wouldn't want a conversion barrel causing an issue when I need my gun to save my life.

Not to mention .357 sig is an expensive and hard to come by round.

Only downfall to the 9mm conversion is you will need to find some 9mm Glock magazines.  The conversion barrel changes the chamber, but you can't feed 9mm bullets out of a 40 magazine.  The .357 sig actually uses a .40 magazine because the round is built using a necked down 40 casing.

Went to the local gun store today. They are running pretty low on a lot of stuff. 

I'm still kind of looking for a semi auto rifle with an external mag, or even a bolt action. Something around a 30-06, or somewhat similar. Also would prefer a wood stock.

This is the new Ruger American rifle. Bolt action with a synthetic stock.  It feeds a 5 round EXTERNAL magazine.  As of now they only have 5 round magazines, but I would imagine down the road larger magazines will be available.  There are states that allow you to hunt with more then 5 rounds.  This one shown is in .308, but he has one in .270, and also 30-06.

This is the new Ruger American rifle. Bolt action with a synthetic stock.  It feeds a 5 round EXTERNAL magazine.  As of now they only have 5 round magazines, but I would imagine down the road larger magazines will be available.  There are states that allow you to hunt with more then 5 rounds.  This one shown is in .308, but he has one in .270, and also 30-06.
I actually just looked at this gun at a local gun place yesterday. My only complaint is that it feels like a toy. The synthetic stock makes it feel very small, and very light on this particular gun. But I may have to take another look. Thanks Nate

Well don't live in the woods
Lol, I would NEVER live in the city.

Cabelas does not have the MVP in stock, and they aren't ordering any firearms at this time. They said their suppliers don't even answer their calls.

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That's why I'm looking for something now. An AR is out of my price range. But there are a couple SKS's locally. I might pick one up.

Damn, that's cheap! I bet you sold it for more than that. The ones I am looking at are original wooden stock. No mods.

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