The unofficial GUN talk thread

For Sale


Yankee Hill Machine fore arm with rails, wrench, instructions, and hardware. Never used. MS peeps only $170, all others $180

edit: Also have a few hundred 9mm  lead round nose, would like to trade for any .45acp.  I'll put a cash value once a count them all.

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Spent some time in Nate's workshop today. The G30 got a trigger bar and polish, and I'm amazed at how much better it feels. Only dryfired so far, but it feels much smoother, and more natural. Not so stiff and mechanical I suppose would be one way to put it. I ran into technical issues with another project this afternoon (~'68 6x6) that kept me busy until dark so I couldn't try it, but it is night and day difference compared to a G21. Definately recommend having this done, and I also can't thank him enough for the shooting tips. Sometimes the knowledge gained is worth as much as the trigger job.

that's cool. I'm going to do it someday.  Well, Nate is.  I just need to get out of the dog house for a week or so.  

9mm ammo for sale or trade.  Its lead round nose.  Some of it is Ultramax reloads which worked very well in my Ruger.  Some is hand re-loads.  $12/50 or trade for .45acp or .357magnum or .38 special or 30-06 or 22LR or 12ga or 20ga slugs or buck shot.  Will consider duck,goose or turkey shot in my favor.

PM me if interested.  

EDIT:  Glock does not recommend using lead bullets, only jacketed.  

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