The unofficial GUN talk thread

Nice Jamey.  I love my Marlin bolt 22.  Not nearly as new as yours.  Its from the 1950s I think.  No serial number and pre-micro groove barrel.  Learned to shoot open sights with that dude many moons ago.

Got the wife's 20ga all set.  $19 at Cabelas!  Fahk yeah!   Now all I need is to get her out for some practice.


you bought a shotgun for $19?  WTF???
HAHA!  No, it was $119, I had a hundred dollar gift card from my brother.  

Matt, lots of their used stuff is over priced, except that Ithaca I got.  I thought that was reasonable.  They had 4 guns at $129 or less last time I went.  At the gun show in Augusta they had lots of decent pumps and double barrels under 200, a few at around 100.  There was one Rem870 that was painted green at around $100.  I thought about getting it and stripping it clean, duracoat the metal, and getting new wood.  Would have been a keeper then.  You have to be careful with the older stuff.  The barrels were never intended for steel shot, so you can't use duck or goose loads which have steel shot.  Stop in some of the local independent gun shops, they have better prices on old stuff.  Tell them what you're looking for.  They'll keep an eye open for you.

I want something old like an over under or double barrel. Not so much to shoot but to restore an what not. Ill keep my eyes open

I'm thinking about reloading .223 My step dad has everything to do it, except for the dies. I can get dies for under $50. He has the casings, just need to get gunpowder. How cost effective would this be? Is gunpowder priced well enough to make it worth doing? 

Ok. Well all I'd need is powder, he has everything else. I'll have to do a little searching. I can get some .223 but I'd have to travel to get it.

Start saving up your brass when you shoot. Get some factory brass ammo little by little and hold on to it.

Yeah. There are a bunch of them for sale, but like everything else, most of them have the price jacked. I paid a decent price though. 

Getting some .223 ammo this weekend! Cheaper than most too. 160rds for $100. Still more than I want to pay, but cheaper than a lot of the stuff I l've seen.


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