The unofficial GUN talk thread

Thoughts on USP Compact in .40?  Thinking about picking up one of those gems.  I've had a chance to fire one and it fits my hands well.  The HK .45, not so much.  My thumb keeps catching the safety due to sausage finger syndrome.

New holster. G19/G17 w/Inforce APL


I use the cheap cloth black hawk iwb for the g27, works fine and didn't break the bank.

Anyone else gearing up for white tail? Just sighted in the father in laws rifle, little sister is ready for youth day tomorrow. I might go sit with just a camera and see what I can see tomorrow morning

Ran into a problem today.  While sighting in the '06 I maxed out the Left adjustment on the scope.  It will not adjust anymore to the left.   I don't think the rifle is the issue.  I'm getting holes touching holes at 50 yards, 2 MOA at 100 yards in the blustery winds today.  Fuuuuuu I'm out of time.  Deer hunting season soon and I got next weekend all tied up.

No .40s&w at this time.  They gots a shitton at Cabelas.  Even all their .40 pistols are $50 off. 

Anyone else gearing up for white tail? 
I'm gonna wing it.  Just have to hold left a fraction.
 'any deer' permit in hand beeotches!  Now if only work will stay out of my Saturdays.

My permit is for the south half of Auburn and by your place. I'll probably just hunt where I always do and wait for a buck. Yesterday was my little sisters last youth day, got a 123lb 4 pointer with her 6.8 contender. Think I might use that to hunt with this year

Dad had that done by the time I got to them with the Wheeler, we got it skinned and quartered yesterday, need to package before Saturday. There's a big big buck with a drop tine near by that has my name on it

You gonna let your sister gut that one?

Heres the new ammo I ordered from Freedom Munitions.  Finally arrived after 8 days of UPS ground.  I've inspected 30-40 rounds from the whole batch.  All looks perfect. All have a slight crimp, all have recessed primers, all bullets nicely jacketed.  Performance report coming Sunday.

You gonna let your sister gut that one?

.40 ? What that run you , I want get some more 9mm

Heres the new ammo I ordered from Freedom Munitions. Finally arrived after 8 days of UPS ground. I've inspected 30-40 rounds from the whole batch. All looks perfect. All have a slight crimp, all have recessed primers, all bullets nicely jacketed. Performance report coming Sunday.

Thoughts on USP Compact in .40?  Thinking about picking up one of those gems.  I've had a chance to fire one and it fits my hands well.  The HK .45, not so much.  My thumb keeps catching the safety due to sausage finger syndrome.
Mine's a full size .45 Tactical, but I LOVE it!  It would be my carry piece, if I didnt keep my light/laser on it for nighttime visitors. Best stock(ish) handgun I have ever held (for me anyway) Only thing i did was add the L/L and did some tuning on the trigger. Nice and light, but a very good feel to it. Only complaint Ive heard is that the really new ones feel "cheap" , I guess they changed their polymer formula or something?  Im about to pick up a little brother for mine, its a similar vintage tactical in 9mm, that will most likely be my CC handgun.  I finally took my CCW course through my uncle's shop, Paul Mitchell did it, was a pretty basic class (guess that's why its a basic handgun course), but really informative for a newer shooter. Waiting on my state police background check, they're a little behind on them. If my arm and thumb would ever heal up, id be doing a lot more shooting.

Awesome, glad to hear it. Looking to get into a ccw course in the next year or so.

I have held the newer ones and agree they feel too "plasticy." I'm hoping to find a slightly used usp .40 compact with the old frame for carry. Would love a full size .45 as well, as I love the way they shoot.

Went shoppin for a semi-auto shotgun, almost came home with a .300 WinMag.  Keep forgetting I just bought a car. 
   stupid cars
