The unofficial GUN talk thread

My next rifle might be in 300 win mag. Almost traded the glock Towards a stainless TC pro hunter win mag but Howells wanted to give me a third of what that baby glock is worth

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That's a good price Gretsch.. that must have been in the middle of the crap. Not too mention, Cabelas sells Glocks for $100 more then anywhere else.

Sad fact of the matter with trades is the gun shop had to sit on the gun, hope to sell, and still make a little bit. Glocks tend to sell themselves, but $125 is too little. Right now used Gen3 Glocks can be had for $425 all day long. They are just nothing special. I see people trying to sell their used (stock) Glocks with a little ammo for $700. I mean come on.

Well 2 days down, one more to go. Tomorrow will finish up the three day tactical rifle class I'm taking. We've been working on shooting on the move, non standard firing positions (kneeling, prone) transitioning to secondary weapon (pistol), and the reload.

We've been jumping back and forth from engaging steel, then the 1.5"x1.5" target. Keeps is holding ourselves to an accuracy standard, but then the steel is for speed.

Tomorrow we will be doing more with engaging multiple targets while on the move, shooting from inside a car, and getting off the X. Tomorrow should be a blast, I plan to be slinging some serious lead tomorrow. My Windham Weaponry build had performed flawless through hard use. The shortened barrel had provided a lighter compact weapon system. The recrown on my barrel was good. Shoots extremely tight groups. I think the instructor is in love with it. Haha.

New (to me) semi CZ 712 scattergun. Basically its half the price of new and only 4 months old from KTP.  Merry Christmas to me!
 Nordick extension tube already on the way.

This thread needs 100% more 1911 porn... I've recently updated mine a bit. I should try to get a couple nice pictures.

Ran 30 rounds today once the rain let up. I do need lots of practice with a handgun. It is not bad to shoot, nicer then any other handgun I have shot.

I really want a 1911. If I get enough overtime this winter I might get a Remington. Beautiful kimber bub! I've always liked those
