The unofficial GUN talk thread

Work in auburn. I'll have it and give it a twice over tomorrow. Text me tomorrow night

Edit: won't be selling it to anyone after all. Gun has tendencies to "run away" occaisionally firing 2 round bursts on cheap ammo. Functions great with expensive CCI stuff. But I won't sell it knowing it isn't right

Double edit: I jumped the gun so to speak. Had too much oil around the sear/firing pin. Hopefully no more runaway, doing some stuff I saw online to improve extraction and slide function. Polishing all contact points on slide and feed ramp. Yay for dremel tools!

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So thought I should throw up some pics of the new carry gun. Kahr CM9. Riding in a Highnoon leather holster. Crimson Trace laser should be showing up in a few days.. Woot!




Went out shooting today. Here is my first target with the CM9. 6 mags of fmj, semi rapid fire at 30ft. Gun is fully broken in and functioning smoothly and not so damn tight. Love this little gun


Another day for sure G. I owe you some trigger time on some of my guns for the photo shoot.

Anyone have a gun they'd like to trade for a lc9? I'm gettin g sick of fighting with my fiancee over whether or not I need to carry. And iff I can't carry it there's no point owning it

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Glock 22 ?? 3 mags and one has full load of home defense bullets

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I'm aware. I love the gun, and carry it everywhere. But she shits a brick if she notices I have it. Not worth the aggrevation

I can officially enter this thread now! heh I'm bringing home a KelTec Sub 2000 40S&W Carbine today.. fun little gun.. Pics to come later..

:EDIT: Pics addedededed



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They may be able to stop handgun rounds, but they're no match for 12ga. slugs and .303 british rounds.



Rallyguy24, shoosting away.




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